function bugtracker() {} bugtracker.bugkey = "5b07eff0"; bugtracker.maxnumberoferrorspersession = 20; bugtracker.appversion = 1.1; bugtracker.appname = "default"; bugtracker.isenabled = !0; bugtracker._currentnumberoferrorssent = 0; bugtracker._bugtrackerurl = "#"; bugtracker._tracetrackarray = []; bugtracker.init = function() { var b = "", a = "", d = 0, c = null; window.onerror = function(e, g, f) { //error } }; bugtracker.track = function(b) { bugtracker._tracetrackarray.push(b) }; bugtracker.init(); var browserdetect = { init: function() { browserdetect.ipad_version = null; = browserdetect.checkmobile(); browserdetect.tablet = browserdetect.checktablet(); browserdetect.browser_name = this.searchstring(this.databrowser) || "an unknown browser"; browserdetect.browser_version = this.searchversion(navigator.useragent) || this.searchversion(navigator.appversion) || "an unknown version"; browserdetect.os = this.searchstring(this.dataos) || "an unknown os"; "firefox" == browserdetect.browser_name && 10 <= browserdetect.browser_version && (browserdetect.translate3d_support = !0); "ipad" === browserdetect.os && (browserdetect.ipad_version = 1 + window.devicepixelratio) }, searchstring: function(b) { for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) { var d = b[a].string, c = b[a].prop; browserdetect.browser_versionsearchstring = b[a].versionsearch || b[a].identity; if (d) { if (-1 != d.indexof(b[a].substring)) return b[a].identity } else if (c) return b[a].identity } }, searchversion: function(b) { var a = b.indexof(browserdetect.browser_versionsearchstring); if (-1 != a) return parsefloat(b.substring(a + browserdetect.browser_versionsearchstring.length + 1)) }, getoldersafariversion: function(b) { if (100 > b) return 1; if (125.2 > b) return 1.1; if (312.1 > b) return 1.2; if (412 > b) return 1.3; if (523.1 > b) return 2; if (523.12 >= b) return 3 } }; browserdetect.databrowser = [{ string: navigator.useragent, substring: "chrome", identity: "chrome" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "omniweb", versionsearch: "omniweb/", identity: "omniweb" }, { string: navigator.vendor, substring: "apple", identity: "safari", versionsearch: "version" }, { prop: window.opera, identity: "opera" }, { string: navigator.vendor, substring: "icab", identity: "icab" }, { string: navigator.vendor, substring: "kde", identity: "konqueror" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "firefox", identity: "firefox" }, { string: navigator.vendor, substring: "camino", identity: "camino" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "netscape", identity: "netscape" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "msie", identity: "explorer", versionsearch: "msie" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "gecko", identity: "mozilla", versionsearch: "rv" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "mozilla", identity: "netscape", versionsearch: "mozilla" }]; browserdetect.dataos = [{ string: navigator.platform, substring: "win", identity: "windows" }, { string: navigator.platform, substring: "mac", identity: "mac" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "iphone", identity: "iphone/ipod" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "ipad", identity: "ipad" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "android", identity: "android" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "windows ce", identity: "windows ce" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "palm", identity: "palm" }, { string: navigator.useragent, substring: "blackberry", identity: "blackberry" }, { string: navigator.platform, substring: "linux", identity: "linux" }]; browserdetect.checkmobile = function() { return !0 === /iphone|ipod|kindle|android|blackberry|opera mini|opera mobi|skyfire|maemo|windows phone|palm|iemobile|symbian|symbianos|fennec/i.test(navigator.useragent.tolowercase()) ? (browserdetect.tablet = !1, !0) : !1 }; browserdetect.checktablet = function() { var b = /ipad|sch-i800|playbook|xoom|tablet|gt-p1000|gt-p7510|sgh-t849|nexus 7|nexus 10|shw-m180s|a100|dell streak|silk/i.test(navigator.useragent.tolowercase()); if (!0 === /android/i.test(navigator.useragent.tolowercase()) || !0 === b) { var b = screen.height, a = screen.width; b > a && (a = screen.height, b = screen.width); 736 <= b && 1024 <= a ? b = !0 : ( = !0, b = !1) } return !0 === b ? ( = !1, !0) : !1 }; browserdetect.checkipadversion = function() { window.ondevicemotion = function(b) { browserdetect.ipad_version = 1; b.acceleration && (browserdetect.ipad_version += window.devicepixelratio); window.ondevicemotion = null } }; browserdetect.browser_name = null; browserdetect.browser_version = null; browserdetect.os = null; = !1; browserdetect.tablet = !1; browserdetect.translate3d_support = "webkitcssmatrix" in window && "m11" in new webkitcssmatrix; browserdetect.init(); function event() {} function mouseevent() {} function keyboardevent() {} function touchevent() {} function mutationevent() {} function messageevent() {} function mediaevent() {} event.resize = "resize"; event.load = "load"; event.scroll = "scroll"; = "select"; event.submit = "submit"; event.hashchange = "hashchange"; event.blur = "blur"; event.change = "change"; event.abort = "abort"; event.unload = "unload"; event.beforeunload = "beforeunload"; event.load = "load"; event.error = "error"; event.contextmenu = "contextmenu"; event.copy = "copy"; event.paste = "paste"; event.ready_state_change = "readystatechange"; event.reset = "reset"; = "click"; mouseevent.mouse_down = "mousedown"; mouseevent.mouse_move = "mousemove"; mouseevent.mouse_up = "mouseup"; mouseevent.right_click = "rightclick"; mouseevent.mouse_over = "mouseover"; mouseevent.mouse_out = "mouseout"; mouseevent.double_click = "dblclick"; mouseevent.focus = "focus"; mouseevent.mouse_enter = "mouseenter"; mouseevent.mouse_leave = "mouseleave"; mouseevent.roll_over = "mouseenter"; mouseevent.roll_out = "mouseleave"; mouseevent.drag_end = "dragend"; mouseevent.drag_enter = "dragenter"; mouseevent.drag_leave = "dragleave"; mouseevent.drag_over = "dragover"; mouseevent.drag_start = "dragstart"; mouseevent.drop = "drop"; mouseevent.mouse_wheel = "mousewheel"; keyboardevent.key_down = "keydown"; keyboardevent.key_up = "keyup"; keyboardevent.key_press = "keypress"; touchevent.touch_start = "touchstart"; touchevent.touch_move = "touchmove"; touchevent.touch_end = "touchend"; touchevent.touch_cancel = "touchcancel"; window.navigator.mspointerenabled && (touchevent.touch_start = "mspointerdown", touchevent.touch_move = "mspointermove", touchevent.touch_end = "mspointerup"); if (!0 == browserdetect.tablet || !0 == mouseevent.mouse_down = touchevent.touch_start; messageevent.message = "message"; mediaevent.time_update = "timeupdate"; function trace(b, a) { if (trace.isenabled) { var d = b; if (null != a) { var c = ""; try { c = "function" == typeof a ? + "();" : a.tostring() } catch (e) { try { c = a.tostring() } catch (g) { c = "null" } } d = c + " => " + d } } } var googleanalytics = { // trackpage: function(b) { // null === b && (b = location.pathname + + location.hash); // _gaq.push(["_trackpageview", b]) // }, // trackevent: function(b, a, d, c, e) { // null === e && (e = !1); // _gaq.push(["_trackevent", b, a, d, c, e]) // }, // tracksocialevent: function(b, a, d, c) { // _gaq.push(["_tracksocial", b, a, d, c]) // } }, contentmanager = { automatically_track_google_analytics: !0, show_traces: !1, _activetemplates: [], _templateregister: [], _templategroups: [], _newpath: "", _blocked: !1, _defaultpath: "home", _xml: null, _prevtemplateobj: null, _passedvariables: null, init: function(b, a) { contentmanager.trace("init();"); contentmanager._xml = b; a && (contentmanager._defaultpath = a, contentmanager.trace(contentmanager._defaultpath, "_defaultpath")); window.addeventlistener(event.hashchange, contentmanager.onhashchange); "explorer" == browserdetect.browser_name && 7 >= browserdetect.browser_version && contentmanager.autocheck(); contentmanager.onhashchange() }, path: function(b) { "object" == typeof b && (b = contentmanager.composefullpathfromxml(b)); contentmanager.trace("path();"); contentmanager.trace(b, "newpath"); window.location.hash = "/" + b }, nexttemplate: function(b) { contentmanager.trace("nexttemplate();"); contentmanager._passedvariables = b; contentmanager._blocked = !1; contentmanager.onhashchange() }, addtemplate: function(b, a) { contentmanager._templateregister.push({ templatename: b, jsclass: a }) }, addtransitiongroup: function(b, a) { contentmanager._templategroups.push({ name: b, group: a }) }, gettransitiongroup: function(b, a) { for (var d = null, c = contentmanager._templategroups.length, e = null, g = null, f = null, d = 0; d < c; d += 1) if (e = contentmanager._templategroups[d], g =, -1 != g.indexof(b) && -1 != g.indexof(a)) { f =; break } return f }, composefullpathfromxml: function(b) { var a = b.getattribute("data-path"), d = []; a && d.unshift(a); b = b.parentnode; for (var c = 0; a && !((a = b.getattribute("data-path")) && d.unshift(a), b = b.parentnode, c += 1, 10 < c);); return d.join("/") }, gettransitionindex: function(b) { var a = b.getattribute("data-path"), d = 0, c = 0; a && (d = domutils.getchildindex(b), -1 != d && (c += d)); b = b.parentnode; for (var e = 0; a;) { if (a = b.getattribute("data-path")) d = domutils.getchildindex(b), -1 != d && (c += d); b = b.parentnode; e += 1; if (10 < e) break } return c }, onhashchange: function() { contentmanager.trace("-----------------------------"); if (!1 == contentmanager._blocked) { contentmanager._newpath = contentmanager.extractpath(window.location.hash); var b = contentmanager._newpath.split("/"), a, d = [], c, e, g; "" == b[0] && (b[0] = contentmanager._defaultpath); for (contentmanager.trace(b, "patharr"); 0 < b.length;) { if (a = contentmanager.findcontent(b)) if (c = "articletemplate") e = contentmanager.findtemplatelevelfromname(c), !1 === e && (e = b.length - 1), g = a.getattribute("data-path"), contentmanager.trace("new candidate"), contentmanager.trace(g, "templatepath"), contentmanager.trace(c, "templatename"), contentmanager.trace(e, "templatelevel"), d.push({ xml: a, path: g, templatename: c, level: e }); b.pop() } d = d.sorton("level"); a = 0; c = d.length; var f; e = "none"; b = contentmanager._activetemplates; contentmanager.trace(d.length, "candidates.length"); for (a = 0; a < c; a += 1) { f = d[a]; g = f.level; if (null == b[g]) e = "push"; else if (b[g].path != f.path || -1 == b[g].fullpath.indexof(contentmanager.composefullpathfromxml(f.xml))) e = "pop"; if ("none" != e) break } "none" == e && d.length < b.length && f && (e = "pop"); contentmanager.trace(e, "type"); "none" != e && (contentmanager._blocked = !0, "pop" == e ? (b = b.pop(), d = b.templatedata, contentmanager._passedvariables && (d.setpassedvariables(contentmanager._passedvariables), contentmanager._passedvariables = null), a = new templatedata, a.settemplatename(f.templatename), a.setlevel(f.level), a.settemplatepath(f.path), d.setnexttemplatedata(a), contentmanager._prevtemplateobj = b, b.template.templateout()) : "push" == e && (contentmanager.trace("push candidate"), contentmanager.trace(f.path, "candidate.path"), contentmanager.trace(f.templatename, "candidate.templatename"), contentmanager.trace(f.level, "candidate.level"), (c = contentmanager.findtemplatefromname(f.templatename)) ? (d = new templatedata, d.setxml(f.xml), d.setlevel(f.level), d.settemplatepath(f.path), d.settemplatename(f.templatename), a = contentmanager.composefullpathfromxml(f.xml), d.settemplatefullpath(a), contentmanager._prevtemplateobj && (d.setprevtemplatedata(contentmanager._prevtemplateobj.templatedata), contentmanager._prevtemplateobj = null), contentmanager._passedvariables && (d.setpassedvariables(contentmanager._passedvariables), contentmanager._passedvariables = null), c = new c(d), null !== typeof _gaq && !0 === contentmanager.automatically_track_google_analytics && (e = "#/" + contentmanager.composefullpathfromxml(f.xml)), f = { template: c, path: f.path, templatename: f.templatename, fullpath: a, xml: f.xml, templatedata: d }, contentmanager._prevtemplateobj = f, b.push(f), c.templatein(), window.currenttemplatepath = f.path) : (contentmanager._blocked = !1, trace("contentmanger.js unable to find template")))) } }, findcontent: function(b) { for (var a = contentmanager.clonearray(b), d = a[0], c = contentmanager._xml, e = "", g, f, h, j = !1, q, n = 0, k = 0; d;) { q = c.children; h = q.length; for (f = 0; f < h; f += 1) if (g = q[f], e = g.getattribute("data-path"), e == d) { a.shift(); d = a[0]; c = g; j = !0; k += 1; break } if (!j || !d || 10 < n) d = null; n += 1 } k != b.length && (c = null); return c }, extractpath: function(b) { b = b.split("#"); b = b[b.length - 1].split("/"); var a = [], d = b.length, c, e; for (c = 0; c < d; c += 1) e = b[c], null !== e && "" !== e && a.push(e); return a.join("/") }, findtemplatefromname: function(b) { var a, d = contentmanager._templateregister, c = d.length, e, g; for (a = 0; a < c; a += 1) if (e = d[a], e.templatename == b) { g = e.jsclass; break } return g }, findtemplatelevelfromname: function(b) { var a = !1; (b = b.match(/\d+/)) && (a = b); return a }, autocheck: function() { function b() { var c = window.location.hash; c != a && (a = c, contentmanager.onhashchange()); settimeout(b, 1e3 * d) } contentmanager.trace("autocheck();"); var a = window.location.hash, d = 0.2; settimeout(b, 1e3 * d) }, clonearray: function(b) { var a, d = b.length, c = []; for (a = 0; a < d; a += 1) c.push(b[a]); return c }, trace: function(b, a) { contentmanager.show_traces && (a || (a = ""), trace(b, "contentmanager.js " + a)) } }; function templatedata() { var b = {}, a, d, c, e, g, f, h, j; b.getxml = function() { return a }; b.getlevel = function() { return d }; b.getpassedvariablesbyname = function(a) { var b = "undefined"; c && (a = c[a]) && (b = a); return b }; b.getnexttemplatedata = function() { return h }; b.getprevtemplatedata = function() { return j }; b.gettemplatename = function() { return e }; b.gettemplatepath = function() { return g }; b.gettemplatefullpath = function() { return f }; b.setxml = function(c) { a = c }; b.setlevel = function(a) { d = a }; b.setpassedvariables = function(a) { c = a }; b.setnexttemplatedata = function(a) { h = a }; b.setprevtemplatedata = function(a) { j = a }; b.settemplatename = function(a) { e = a }; b.settemplatepath = function(a) { g = a }; b.settemplatefullpath = function(a) { f = a }; return b } function smartobject(b) { var a = { _x: 0, _y: 0, _z: 0, _rotation: 0, _rotationx: 0, _rotationy: 0, _rotationz: 0, _scalex: 1, _scaley: 1, _opacity: 1 }; null == b ? (b = document.createelement("div"), = "absolute", = "0px", = "0px") : ( = "absolute", && (a._x = parseint(, && (a._y = parseint(, && (a._opacity =; return smartobject.convert(b, a) } smartobject.convert = function(b, a) { function d() { smartobject.updatealldelayed(b) } function c(a, c, b) { smartobject.extend(a, c, d); a[c] = b } b._setter = []; b.___compensatex = 0; b.___compensatey = 0; b.___setinitialvalues = !0; b.___issmartobject = !0; b.___timeoutrunning = !1; b.___firstrun = !0; b._transformoriginx = 50; b._transformoriginy = 50; b._getwidth = function() { var a = 0; if (null == b.parentnode) document.body.appendchild(b), a = b.offsetwidth, document.body.removechild(b); else if (0 == b.offsetwidth) { var c = b.parentnode; document.body.appendchild(b); a = b.offsetwidth; c.appendchild(b) } else a = b.offsetwidth; return a }; b._getheight = function() { var a = 0; if (null == b.parentnode) document.body.appendchild(b), a = b.offsetheight, document.body.removechild(b); else if (0 == b.offsetwidth) { var c = b.parentnode; document.body.appendchild(b); a = b.offsetheight; c.appendchild(b) } else a = b.offsetheight; return a }; "explorer" == browserdetect.browser_name && 7 >= browserdetect.browser_version && b.attachevent("onpropertychange", d); c(b, "_x", a._x); c(b, "_y", a._y); c(b, "_z", a._z); c(b, "_scalex", a._scalex); c(b, "_scaley", a._scaley); c(b, "_opacity", a._opacity); c(b, "_rotationx", a._rotationx); c(b, "_rotationy", a._rotationy); c(b, "_rotationz", a._rotationz); c(b, "_rotation", a._rotation); c(b, "_blur", 0); c(b, "_grayscale", 0); c(b, "_hue", 0); c(b, "_sepia", 0); c(b, "_saturate", 1); c(b, "_invert", 0); c(b, "_brightness", 0); c(b, "_contrast", 1); b.___firstrun = !1; smartobject.update(b); return b }; smartobject.extend = function(b, a, d) { "explorer" == browserdetect.browser_name ? 8 <= browserdetect.browser_version ? object.defineproperty(b, a, { get: function() { return a }, set: function(c) { a = c; d(c) } }) : b._setter.push(a) : (b.__definegetter__(a, function() { return a }), b.__definesetter__(a, function(c) { a = c; d(c) })) }; smartobject.updatealldelayed = function(b) { smartobject.updateallcheck(b) }; smartobject.updateallcheck = function(b) { b.___timeoutrunning = !1; smartobject.update(b) }; smartobject.update = function(b) { if (!1 == b.___firstrun) { var a = !1; "explorer" == browserdetect.browser_name && 8 >= browserdetect.browser_version && (a = !0); if (!1 == a) { a = "translate(" + math.round(b._x) + "px, " + math.round(b._y) + "px)"; !0 == browserdetect.translate3d_support && (a = "translate3d(" + math.round(b._x) + "px, " + math.round(b._y) + "px, " + math.round(b._z) + "px) rotatex(" + b._rotationx + "deg) rotatey(" + b._rotationy + "deg) rotatez(" + b._rotationz + "deg)"); var a = a + " rotate(" + b._rotation + "deg) scale(" + b._scalex + ", " + b._scaley + ") skewx(" + b._skewx + "deg) skewy(" + b._skewy + "deg)", d = b._transformoriginx + "% " + b._transformoriginy + "%"; = 0 != b._blur || 0 != b._grayscale || 0 != b._sepia || 1 != b._contrast || 0 != b._brightness || 0 != b._invert || 1 != b._saturate ? "blur(" + b._blur + "px) grayscale(" + b._grayscale + ") sepia(" + b._sepia + ") contrast(" + b._contrast + ") brightness(" + b._brightness + ") invert(" + b._invert + ") saturate(" + b._saturate + ")" : ""; = b._opacity; = = = = = d; = = = = = a } else { a = null; null == b.parentnode ? (d = document.createelement("div"), d.appendchild(b), document.body.appendchild(d)) : a = b.parentnode; var c =; = ""; var d = b.offsetwidth, e = b.offsetheight; = c; b.parentnode.removechild(b); var c = null, g = ""; 1 != b._opacity && (g = "" + math.round(100 * b._opacity) + ")"); var f = ""; if (0 != b._rotation || 1 != b._scalex || 1 != b._scaley) var c = matrix.rotation(fixie.degreestoradians(b._rotation)), f = c.e(1, 1) * b._scalex, h = c.e(1, 2) * b._scaley, j = c.e(2, 1) * b._scalex, q = c.e(2, 2) * b._scaley, c = matrix.create([ [f, h, 0], [j, q, 0], [0, 0, 1] ]), f = "'auto expand', " + ("m11=" + f + ", m12=" + h + ", m21=" + j + ", m22=" + q) + ", filtertype='nearest neighbor')"; g = f + g + ""; null == && ( = "transparent"); = g; = g; = "1"; "" != f && (fixie.transformorigin(b, c, d, e), fixie.fixboundarybug(b, c, d, e)); = b._x + b.___compensatex + "px"; = b._y + b.___compensatey + "px"; null != a && a.appendchild(b) } } }; var fixie = { debug_mode: !1, extend: function(b, a, d) { "explorer" == browserdetect.browser_name ? 8 <= browserdetect.browser_version ? object.defineproperty(b, a, { get: function() { return a }, set: function(c) { a = c; d(c) } }) : b._setter.push(a) : (b.__definegetter__(a, function() { return a }), b.__definesetter__(a, function(c) { a = c; d(c) })) }, init: function() { if ("explorer" == browserdetect.browser_name && 8 >= browserdetect.browser_version) { var b = function(a) { a.addeventlistener = function(b, d) { a.attachevent("on" + b, function(b) { var e = window.event || b, j = {}; j.currenttarget = a; = b.srcelement; j.type = b.type; j.cancelable = b.cancelbubble; j.preventdefault = b.returnvalue; j.pagex = b.clientx; j.pagey = b.clienty; j.offsetx = b.offsetx; j.offsety = b.offsety; j.altkey = b.altkey; j.ctrlkey = b.ctrlkey; j.shiftkey = b.shiftkey; j.keycode = b.keycode; j.stoppropagation = function() { e.cancelbubble = !0 }; j.preventdefault = function() { e.returnvalue = !1 }; d(j) }) }; a.removeeventlistener = function(b, d) { a.detachevent("on" + b, d) }; a.dispatchevent = function(b) { a.fireevent("on" + b.type, b) } }, a = function(a) { "undefined" != typeof a ? !0 != a.____hasbeeniefixed && ( = 1, fixie.extend(, "opacity", function(b) {, 0, { css: { opacity: b } }) }), = "auto", fixie.extend(, "pointerevents", function(b) { "none" == b ? fixie.pointereventsnone(a) : fixie.clearpointereventsnone(a) }), b(a), a.____hasbeeniefixed = !0) : "undefined" != typeof trace && trace("fixie: ** error **: element does not exist.") }; image = function() { return createnewimage }; document.createevent = function() { var a = document.createeventobject(window.event); a.initevent = function(a, c, b) { this.type = a; this.cancelbubble = c; this.returnvalue = b }; return a }; document._createelement = document.createelement; document.createelement = function(c) { c = document._createelement(c); a(c); return c }; document._getelementbyid = document.getelementbyid; document.getelementbyid = function(c) { c = document._getelementbyid(c); a(c); return c }; document._getelementsbytagname = document.getelementsbytagname; document.getelementsbytagname = function(c) { c = document._getelementsbytagname(c); for (var b = 0; b < c.length; b++) a(c[b]); return c }; document._getelementsbyclassname = document.getelementsbyclassname; document.getelementsbyclassname = function(c) { c = c.split(" "); for (var b = this.queryselectorall("." + c[0]), d = 1; d < c.length; d++) { for (var f = this.queryselectorall("." + c[d]), h = [], j = 0; j < b.length; j++) { for (var q = !1, n = 0; n < f.length; n++) if (b[j] == f[n]) { q = !0; break } q && (a(b[j]), h.push(b[j])) } b = h } return b }; var d = function() { window.innerwidth = document.documentelement.clientwidth; window.innerheight = document.documentelement.clientheight }; b(document); b(window); window.attachevent("onresize", d); d(); document.head = document.getelementsbytagname("head")[0]; b(document.body); b(document.head); b(document.getelementsbytagname("html")[0]) } } }; "bind" in function.prototype || (function.prototype.bind = function(b) { var a = this; if (1 >= arguments.length) return function() { return a.apply(b, arguments) }; var d =, 1); return function() { return a.apply(b, 0 === arguments.length ? d : d.concat( } }); "trim" in string.prototype || (string.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") }); "indexof" in array.prototype || (array.prototype.indexof = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = 0); 0 > a && (a += this.length); 0 > a && (a = 0); for (var d = this.length; a < d; a++) if (a in this && this[a] === b) return a; return -1 }); "lastindexof" in array.prototype || (array.prototype.lastindexof = function(b, a) { void 0 === a && (a = this.length - 1); 0 > a && (a += this.length); a > this.length - 1 && (a = this.length - 1); for (a++; 0 < a--;) if (a in this && this[a] === b) return a; return -1 }); "foreach" in array.prototype || (array.prototype.foreach = function(b, a) { for (var d = 0, c = this.length; d < c; d++) d in this &&, this[d], d, this) }); "map" in array.prototype || ( = function(b, a) { for (var d = array(this.length), c = 0, e = this.length; c < e; c++) c in this && (d[c] =, this[c], c, this)); return d }); "filter" in array.prototype || (array.prototype.filter = function(b, a) { for (var d = [], c, e = 0, g = this.length; e < g; e++) e in this &&, c = this[e], e, this) && d.push(c); return d }); "every" in array.prototype || (array.prototype.every = function(b, a) { for (var d = 0, c = this.length; d < c; d++) if (d in this && !, this[d], d, this)) return !1; return !0 }); "some" in array.prototype || (array.prototype.some = function(b, a) { for (var d = 0, c = this.length; d < c; d++) if (d in this &&, this[d], d, this)) return !0; return !1 }); fixie.init(); fixie.passthrough = function(b) { var a =, d =; = "none"; var c = document.elementfrompoint(b.pagex, b.pagey); b = b.type; if (a.parentitemwas == c && c != a) { b = "mouseover"; var e = document.createevent("mouseevents"); e.initevent(b, !0, !1); c.dispatchevent(e) } else null !== a.parentitemwas && (b = "mouseout", e = document.createevent("mouseevents"), e.initevent(b, !0, !1), a.parentitemwas.dispatchevent(e)); = d; a.parentitemwas = c; a.parentitemwaswas = a.parentitemwas }; fixie.passthroughclick = function(b) { var a =, d =; = "none"; var c = document.elementfrompoint(b.pagex, b.pagey); if (null !== a.parentitemwas) { var e = document.createevent("mouseevents"); e.initevent(b.type, !0, !1); a.parentitemwas.dispatchevent(e) } = d; a.parentitemwas = c }; fixie.pointereventsnone = function(b) { b.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_enter, fixie.passthrough); b.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_leave, fixie.passthrough); b.addeventlistener(mouseevent.double_click, fixie.passthrough); b.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_move, fixie.passthrough); b.addeventlistener(, fixie.passthroughclick); b.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, fixie.passthroughclick) }; fixie.clearpointereventsnone = function(b) { b.removeeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_enter, fixie.passthrough); b.removeeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_leave, fixie.passthrough); b.removeeventlistener(mouseevent.double_click, fixie.passthrough); b.removeeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_move, fixie.passthrough); b.removeeventlistener(, fixie.passthroughclick); b.removeeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, fixie.passthroughclick) }; array.prototype.sorton = function() { var b = this.slice(); if (!arguments.length) return b.sort(); var a =; return b.sort(function(b, c) { for (var e = a.slice(), g = e.shift(); b[g] == c[g] && e.length;) g = e.shift(); return b[g] == c[g] ? 0 : b[g] > c[g] ? 1 : -1 }) }; domutils = { getchildindex: function(b) { if (!b) return -1; var a = b.parentnode; if (!a) return -1; for (var a = a.children, d = a.length, c = 0; c < d; c++) if (a[c] === b) return c }, getoffset: function(b) { for (var a = 0, d = 0; b && !isnan(b.offsetleft) && !isnan(b.offsettop);) a += b.offsetleft - b.scrollleft, d += b.offsettop - b.scrolltop, b = b.parentnode ? b.parentnode : b.offsetparent; return { top: d, left: a } } }; function assetgroup(b, a, d) { var c = {}; = b; c.callback = a; c.onupdate = d; return c } function assetloader() {} assetloader.assets = []; assetloader.init = function(b) { assetloader.que = []; assetloader.busy = !1; assetloader.assetpath = b; assetloader.usedassets = [] }; assetloader.loadgroup = function(b) { function a() { function b(a) { a.currenttarget.removeeventlistener(event.load, e, !0); a.currenttarget.removeeventlistener(event.error, c, !0); h++; e() } function c(a) { trace("assetloader: error: cant load : " + a.currenttarget.src); a.currenttarget.removeeventlistener(event.load, e, !0); a.currenttarget.removeeventlistener(event.error, c, !0); h++; e() } function e() { _percentageloaded = 100 * (h / q); _percentageloaded = math.ceil(_percentageloaded); null != onupdate && onupdate(_percentageloaded); h == q && (callback(), assetloader.que.shift(), 0 < assetloader.que.length ? settimeout(a, 100) : assetloader.busy = !1) } data = assetloader.que[0].data; callback = assetloader.que[0].callback; onupdate = assetloader.que[0].onupdate; var g = 0, f = data.length, h = 0, j = [], q = 0, n; for (g; g < f; g++) { var k = n, p = !1, l = 0, s = assetloader.assets.length; for (l; l < s; l++) if (k === assetloader.assets[l].id) { p = !0; break } p || (j.push(data[g]), q++) } if (0 < j.length) { f = 0; k = j.length; for (f; f < k; f++) g = new image, n = j[f], assetloader.assets.push({ asset: g, id: n }), g.addeventlistener(event.load, b, !0), g.addeventlistener(event.error, c, !0), = "absolute", g.src = assetloader.assetpath + j[f] } else e() } assetloader.busy ? assetloader.que.push(b) : (assetloader.busy = !0, assetloader.que.push(b), a()) }; assetloader.getasset = function(b) { var a = !1, d = 0, c = assetloader.assets.length, e = null, g; for (d; d < c; d++) if (g = assetloader.assets[d], b === { a = !0; e = g.asset.clonenode(!0); e.width = g.asset.width; e.height = g.asset.height; = "absolute"; break }!0 !== a && trace("assetloader: error: asset with id >> " + b + ", not found"); return e }; assetloader.kill = function() { var b = 0, a = assetloader.usedassets.length; for (b; b < a; b++) { var d = assetloader.usedassets[b].parentnode.removechild(assetloader.usedassets[b]); assetloader.usedassets[b] = null; trace(d) } assetloader.usedassets.length = 0 }; (window._gsqueue || (window._gsqueue = [])).push(function() { _gsdefine("tweenmax", ["core.animation", "core.simpletimeline", "tweenlite"], function(b, a, d) { var c = function(a, c, b) {, a, c, b); this._cycle = 0; this._yoyo = !0 === this.vars.yoyo; this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0; this._repeatdelay = this.vars.repeatdelay || 0; this._dirty = !0 }, e = c.prototype ={}, 0.1, {}), g = []; c.version = 1.701; e.constructor = c; e.kill()._gc = !1; c.killtweensof = c.killdelayedcallsto = d.killtweensof; c.gettweensof = d.gettweensof; c.ticker = d.ticker; e.invalidate = function() { return this._yoyo = !0 === this.vars.yoyo, this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0, this._repeatdelay = this.vars.repeatdelay || 0, this._uncache(!0), }; e.updateto = function(a, c) { var b, e = this.ratio; c && null != this.timeline && this._starttime < this._timeline._time && (this._starttime = this._timeline._time, this._uncache(!1), this._gc ? this._enabled(!0, !1) : this._timeline.insert(this, this._starttime - this._delay)); for (b in a) this.vars[b] = a[b]; if (this._initted) if (c) this._initted = !1; else if (this._notifypluginsofenabled && this._firstpt && d._onpluginevent("_ondisable", this), 0.998 < this._time / this._duration) b = this._time, this.render(0, !0, !1), this._initted = !1, this.render(b, !0, !1); else if (0 < this._time) { this._initted = !1; this._init(); for (var e = 1 / (1 - e), j = this._firstpt; j;) b = j.s + j.c, j.c *= e, j.s = b - j.c, j = j._next } return this }; e.render = function(a, c, b) { var d, e, j = this._dirty ? this.totalduration() : this._totalduration, f = this._time, h = this._totaltime, m = this._cycle; if (a >= j) this._totaltime = j, this._cycle = this._repeat, this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? (this._time = 0, this.ratio = this._ease._calcend ? this._ease.getratio(0) : 0) : (this._time = this._duration, this.ratio = this._ease._calcend ? this._ease.getratio(1) : 1), this._reversed || (d = !0, e = "oncomplete"), 0 === this._duration && ((0 === a || 0 > this._rawprevtime) && this._rawprevtime !== a && (b = !0), this._rawprevtime = a); else if (0 >= a) this._totaltime = this._time = this._cycle = 0, this.ratio = this._ease._calcend ? this._ease.getratio(0) : 0, (0 !== h || 0 === this._duration && 0 < this._rawprevtime) && (e = "onreversecomplete", d = this._reversed), 0 > a ? (this._active = !1, 0 === this._duration && (0 <= this._rawprevtime && (b = !0), this._rawprevtime = a)) : this._initted || (b = !0); else { if (this._totaltime = this._time = a, 0 !== this._repeat) a = this._duration + this._repeatdelay, this._cycle = this._totaltime / a >> 0, 0 !== this._cycle && this._cycle === this._totaltime / a && this._cycle--, this._time = this._totaltime - this._cycle * a, this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) && (this._time = this._duration - this._time), this._time > this._duration ? this._time = this._duration : 0 > this._time && (this._time = 0); if (this._easetype) { a = this._time / this._duration; var j = this._easetype, y = this._easepower; (1 === j || 3 === j && 0.5 <= a) && (a = 1 - a); 3 === j && (a *= 2); 1 === y ? a *= a : 2 === y ? a *= a * a : 3 === y ? a *= a * a * a : 4 === y && (a *= a * a * a * a); this.ratio = 1 === j ? 1 - a : 2 === j ? a : 0.5 > this._time / this._duration ? a / 2 : 1 - a / 2 } else this.ratio = this._ease.getratio(this._time / this._duration) } if (f === this._time && !b) return h !== this._totaltime && this._onupdate && (c || this._onupdate.apply(this.vars.onupdatescope || this, this.vars.onupdateparams || g)), void 0; this._initted || (this._init(), !d && this._time && (this.ratio = this._ease.getratio(this._time / this._duration))); this._active || this._paused || (this._active = !0); 0 === h && this.vars.onstart && (0 !== this._totaltime || 0 === this._duration) && (c || this.vars.onstart.apply(this.vars.onstartscope || this, this.vars.onstartparams || g)); for (b = this._firstpt; b;) b.f ? b.t[b.p](b.c * this.ratio + b.s) : b.t[b.p] = b.c * this.ratio + b.s, b = b._next; this._onupdate && (c || this._onupdate.apply(this.vars.onupdatescope || this, this.vars.onupdateparams || g)); this._cycle !== m && (c || this._gc || this.vars.onrepeat && this.vars.onrepeat.apply(this.vars.onrepeatscope || this, this.vars.onrepeatparams || g)); e && (this._gc || (d && (this._timeline.autoremovechildren && this._enabled(!1, !1), this._active = !1), c || this.vars[e] && this.vars[e].apply(this.vars[e + "scope"] || this, this.vars[e + "params"] || g))) }; = function(a, b, d) { return new c(a, b, d) }; c.from = function(a, b, d) { return d.runbackwards = !0, !1 !== d.immediaterender && (d.immediaterender = !0), new c(a, b, d) }; c.fromto = function(a, b, d, e) { return e.startat = d, d.immediaterender && (e.immediaterender = !0), new c(a, b, e) }; c.staggerto = c.allto = function(a, b, d, e, j, f, h) { e = e || 0; var g, m, y, w = [], f = a.length, z = d.delay || 0; for (m = 0; f > m; m++) { g = {}; for (y in d) g[y] = d[y]; g.delay = z; m === f - 1 && j && (g.oncomplete = function() { d.oncomplete && d.oncomplete.apply(d.oncompletescope, d.oncompleteparams); j.apply(h, f) }); w[m] = new c(a[m], b, g); z += e } return w }; c.staggerfrom = c.allfrom = function(a, b, d, e, j, f, h) { return d.runbackwards = !0, !1 !== d.immediaterender && (d.immediaterender = !0), c.staggerto(a, b, d, e, j, f, h) }; c.staggerfromto = c.allfromto = function(a, b, d, e, j, f, h, g) { return e.startat = d, d.immediaterender && (e.immediaterender = !0), c.staggerto(a, b, e, j, f, h, g) }; c.delayedcall = function(a, b, d, e, j) { return new c(b, 0, { delay: a, oncomplete: b, oncompleteparams: d, oncompletescope: e, onreversecomplete: b, onreversecompleteparams: d, onreversecompletescope: e, immediaterender: !1, useframes: j, overwrite: 0 }) }; c.set = function(a, b) { return new c(a, 0, b) }; c.istweening = function(a) { var c; a = d.gettweensof(a); for (var b = a.length; - 1 < --b;) if ((c = a[b])._active || c._starttime === c.timeline._time && c.timeline._active) return !0; return !1 }; var f = function(a, c) { for (var b = [], e = 0, j = a._first; j;) j instanceof d ? b[e++] = j : (c && (b[e++] = j), b = b.concat(f(j, c)), e = b.length), j = j._next; return b }, h = c.getalltweens = function(a) { return f(b._roottimeline, a).concat(f(b._rootframestimeline, a)) }; c.killall = function(c, b, d, e) { null == b && (b = !0); null == d && (d = !0); var j, f, g = h(0 != e), v = g.length, m = b && d && e; for (f = 0; v > f; f++) e = g[f], (m || e instanceof a || (j = === e.vars.oncomplete) && d || b && !j) && (c ? e.totaltime(e.totalduration()) : e._enabled(!1, !1)) }; c.killchildtweensof = function(a, b) { if (null != a) { if (a.jquery) return a.each(function(a, d) { c.killchildtweensof(d, b) }), void 0; var e, j, f = d._tweenlookup, h = []; for (j in f) for (e = f[j].target.parentnode; e;) e === a && (h = h.concat(f[j].tweens)), e = e.parentnode; j = h.length; for (e = 0; j > e; e++) b && h[e].totaltime(h[e].totalduration()), h[e]._enabled(!1, !1) } }; c.pauseall = function(a, c, b) { j(!0, a, c, b) }; c.resumeall = function(a, c, b) { j(!1, a, c, b) }; var j = function(c, b, d, e) { void 0 === b && (b = !0); void 0 === d && (d = !0); for (var j, f = h(e), g = b && d && e, v = f.length; - 1 < --v;) e = f[v], (g || e instanceof a || (j = === e.vars.oncomplete) && d || b && !j) && e.paused(c) }; return e.progress = function(a) { return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(this.duration() * (this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? 1 - a : a) + this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatdelay), !1) : this._time / this.duration() }, e.totalprogress = function(a) { return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(this.totalduration() * a, !1) : this._totaltime / this.totalduration() }, e.time = function(a, c) { return arguments.length ? (this._dirty && this.totalduration(), a > this._duration && (a = this._duration), this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? a = this._duration - a + this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatdelay) : 0 !== this._repeat && (a += this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatdelay)), this.totaltime(a, c)) : this._time }, e.totalduration = function(a) { return arguments.length ? -1 === this._repeat ? this : this.duration((a - this._repeat * this._repeatdelay) / (this._repeat + 1)) : (this._dirty && (this._totalduration = -1 === this._repeat ? 999999999999 : this._duration * (this._repeat + 1) + this._repeatdelay * this._repeat, this._dirty = !1), this._totalduration) }, e.repeat = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (this._repeat = a, this._uncache(!0)) : this._repeat }, e.repeatdelay = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (this._repeatdelay = a, this._uncache(!0)) : this._repeatdelay }, e.yoyo = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (this._yoyo = a, this) : this._yoyo }, c }, !0); _gsdefine("timelinelite", ["core.animation", "core.simpletimeline", "tweenlite"], function(b, a, d) { var c = function(c) {, c); this._labels = {}; this.autoremovechildren = 1 == this.vars.autoremovechildren; this.smoothchildtiming = 1 == this.vars.smoothchildtiming; this._sortchildren = !0; this._onupdate = this.vars.onupdate; for (var b, d = e.length; - 1 < --d;) if (b = this.vars[e[d]]) for (c = b.length; - 1 < --c;)"{self}" === b[c] && (b = this.vars[e[d]] = b.concat(), b[c] = this); this.vars.tweens instanceof array && this.insertmultiple(this.vars.tweens, 0, this.vars.align || "normal", this.vars.stagger || 0) }, e = ["onstartparams", "onupdateparams", "oncompleteparams", "onreversecompleteparams", "onrepeatparams"], g = [], f = function(a) { var c, b = {}; for (c in a) b[c] = a[c]; return b }, h = c.prototype = new a; return c.version = 1.701, h.constructor = c, h.kill()._gc = !1, = function(a, c, b, e, f) { return this.insert(new d(a, c, b), this._parsetimeorlabel(f, e, !0)) }, h.from = function(a, c, b, e, f) { return this.insert(d.from(a, c, b), this._parsetimeorlabel(f, e, !0)) }, h.fromto = function(a, c, b, e, f, h) { return this.insert(d.fromto(a, c, b, e), this._parsetimeorlabel(h, f, !0)) }, h.staggerto = function(a, b, e, h, g, l, s, u, v) { s = new c({ oncomplete: s, oncompleteparams: u, oncompletescope: v }); h = h || 0; for (u = 0; a.length > u; u++) null != e.startat && (e.startat = f(e.startat)), s.insert(new d(a[u], b, f(e)), u * h); return this.insert(s, this._parsetimeorlabel(l, g, !0)) }, h.staggerfrom = function(a, c, b, d, e, f, h, g, v) { return null == b.immediaterender && (b.immediaterender = !0), b.runbackwards = !0, this.staggerto(a, c, b, d, e, f, h, g, v) }, h.staggerfromto = function(a, c, b, d, e, f, h, g, v, m) { return d.startat = b, b.immediaterender && (d.immediaterender = !0), this.staggerto(a, c, d, e, f, h, g, v, m) }, = function(a, c, b, e, f) { return this.insert(d.delayedcall(0, a, c, b), this._parsetimeorlabel(f, e, !0)) }, h.set = function(a, c, b, e) { return c.immediaterender = !1, this.insert(new d(a, 0, c), this._parsetimeorlabel(e, b, !0)) }, c.exportroot = function(a, b) { a = a || {}; null == a.smoothchildtiming && (a.smoothchildtiming = !0); var e = new c(a), f = e._timeline; null == b && (b = !0); f._remove(e, !0); e._starttime = 0; e._rawprevtime = e._time = e._totaltime = f._time; for (var h, l = f._first; l;) h = l._next, b && l instanceof d && === l.vars.oncomplete || e.insert(l, l._starttime - l._delay), l = h; return f.insert(e, 0), e }, h.insert = function(c, e) { if (!(c instanceof b)) { if (c instanceof array) return this.insertmultiple(c, e); if ("string" == typeof c) return this.addlabel(c, this._parsetimeorlabel(e || 0, 0, !0)); if ("function" != typeof c) throw "error: cannot insert() " + c + " into the timelinelite/max because it is neither a tween, timeline, function, nor a string."; c = d.delayedcall(0, c) } if (, c, this._parsetimeorlabel(e || 0, 0, !0, c)), this._gc && !this._paused && this._time === this._duration && this._time < this.duration()) for (var f = this; f._gc && f._timeline;) f._timeline.smoothchildtiming ? f.totaltime(f._totaltime, !0) : f._enabled(!0, !1), f = f._timeline; return this }, h.remove = function(a) { if (a instanceof b) return this._remove(a, !1); if (a instanceof array) { for (var c = a.length; - 1 < --c;) this.remove(a[c]); return this } return "string" == typeof a ? this.removelabel(a) : this.kill(null, a) }, h.append = function(a, c) { return this.insert(a, this._parsetimeorlabel(null, c, !0, a)) }, h.insertmultiple = function(a, b, d, e) { d = d || "normal"; e = e || 0; var f, h = this._parsetimeorlabel(b || 0, 0, !0, a), g = a.length; for (b = 0; g > b; b++)(f = a[b]) instanceof array && (f = new c({ tweens: f })), this.insert(f, h), "string" == typeof f || "function" == typeof f || ("sequence" === d ? h = f._starttime + f.totalduration() / f._timescale : "start" === d && (f._starttime -= f.delay())), h += e; return this._uncache(!0) }, h.appendmultiple = function(a, c, b, d) { return this.insertmultiple(a, this._parsetimeorlabel(null, c, !0, a), b, d) }, h.addlabel = function(a, c) { return this._labels[a] = c, this }, h.removelabel = function(a) { return delete this._labels[a], this }, h.getlabeltime = function(a) { return null != this._labels[a] ? this._labels[a] : -1 }, h._parsetimeorlabel = function(a, c, d, e) { if (e instanceof b && e.timeline === this) this.remove(e); else if (e instanceof array) for (var f = e.length; - 1 < --f;) e[f] instanceof b && e[f].timeline === this && this.remove(e[f]); return "string" == typeof c ? this._parsetimeorlabel(c, d && "number" == typeof a && null == this._labels[c] ? a - this.duration() : 0, d) : (c = c || 0, null == a ? this.duration() + c : "string" == typeof a && isnan(a) ? null == this._labels[a] ? d ? this._labels[a] = this.duration() + c : c : this._labels[a] + c : number(a) + c) }, = function(a, c) { return this.totaltime(this._parsetimeorlabel(a), 0 != c) }, h.stop = function() { return this.paused(!0) }, h.gotoandplay = function(c, b) { return, c, b) }, h.gotoandstop = function(a, c) { return this.pause(a, c) }, h.render = function(a, c, b) { this._gc && this._enabled(!0, !1); this._active = !this._paused; var d, e, f, h = this._dirty ? this.totalduration() : this._totalduration, u = this._time, v = this._starttime, m = this._timescale, y = this._paused; if (a >= h ? (this._totaltime = this._time = h, this._reversed || this._haspausedchild() || (d = !0, f = "oncomplete", 0 === this._duration && (0 === a || 0 > this._rawprevtime) && this._rawprevtime !== a && (b = !0)), this._rawprevtime = a, a = h + 1e-6) : 0 >= a ? (this._totaltime = this._time = 0, (0 !== u || 0 === this._duration && 0 < this._rawprevtime) && (f = "onreversecomplete", d = this._reversed), 0 > a ? (this._active = !1, 0 === this._duration && 0 <= this._rawprevtime && (b = !0)) : this._initted || (b = !0), this._rawprevtime = a, a = -1e-6) : this._totaltime = this._time = this._rawprevtime = a, this._time !== u || b) { if (this._initted || (this._initted = !0), 0 === u && this.vars.onstart && 0 !== this._time && (c || this.vars.onstart.apply(this.vars.onstartscope || this, this.vars.onstartparams || g)), this._time > u) for (b = this._first; b && (e = b._next, !this._paused || y);)(b._active || b._starttime <= this._time && !b._paused && !b._gc) && (b._reversed ? b.render((b._dirty ? b.totalduration() : b._totalduration) - (a - b._starttime) * b._timescale, c, !1) : b.render((a - b._starttime) * b._timescale, c, !1)), b = e; else for (b = this._last; b && (e = b._prev, !this._paused || y);)(b._active || u >= b._starttime && !b._paused && !b._gc) && (b._reversed ? b.render((b._dirty ? b.totalduration() : b._totalduration) - (a - b._starttime) * b._timescale, c, !1) : b.render((a - b._starttime) * b._timescale, c, !1)), b = e; this._onupdate && (c || this._onupdate.apply(this.vars.onupdatescope || this, this.vars.onupdateparams || g)); f && (this._gc || (v === this._starttime || m != this._timescale) && (0 === this._time || h >= this.totalduration()) && (d && (this._timeline.autoremovechildren && this._enabled(!1, !1), this._active = !1), c || this.vars[f] && this.vars[f].apply(this.vars[f + "scope"] || this, this.vars[f + "params"] || g))) } }, h._haspausedchild = function() { for (var a = this._first; a;) { if (a._paused || a instanceof c && a._haspausedchild()) return !0; a = a._next } return !1 }, h.getchildren = function(a, c, b, e) { e = e || -9999999999; for (var f = [], h = this._first, g = 0; h;) e > h._starttime || (h instanceof d ? !1 !== c && (f[g++] = h) : (!1 !== b && (f[g++] = h), !1 !== a && (f = f.concat(h.getchildren(!0, c, b)), g = f.length))), h = h._next; return f }, h.gettweensof = function(a, c) { for (var b = d.gettweensof(a), e = b.length, f = [], h = 0; - 1 < --e;)(b[e].timeline === this || c && this._contains(b[e])) && (f[h++] = b[e]); return f }, h._contains = function(a) { for (a = a.timeline; a;) { if (a === this) return !0; a = a.timeline } return !1 }, h.shiftchildren = function(a, c, b) { b = b || 0; for (var d = this._first; d;) d._starttime >= b && (d._starttime += a), d = d._next; if (c) for (var e in this._labels) this._labels[e] >= b && (this._labels[e] += a); return this._uncache(!0) }, h._kill = function(a, c) { if (null == a && null == c) return this._enabled(!1, !1); for (var b = null == c ? this.getchildren(!0, !0, !1) : this.gettweensof(c), d = b.length, e = !1; - 1 < --d;) b[d]._kill(a, c) && (e = !0); return e }, h.clear = function(a) { var c = this.getchildren(!1, !0, !0), b = c.length; for (this._time = this._totaltime = 0; - 1 < --b;) c[b]._enabled(!1, !1); return !1 !== a && (this._labels = {}), this._uncache(!0) }, h.invalidate = function() { for (var a = this._first; a;) a.invalidate(), a = a._next; return this }, h._enabled = function(c, b) { if (c === this._gc) for (var d = this._first; d;) d._enabled(c, !0), d = d._next; return, c, b) }, h.progress = function(a) { return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(this.duration() * a, !1) : this._time / this.duration() }, h.duration = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (0 !== this.duration() && 0 !== a && this.timescale(this._duration / a), this) : (this._dirty && this.totalduration(), this._duration) }, h.totalduration = function(a) { if (!arguments.length) { if (this._dirty) { var c, b, d = 0; b = this._first; for (var e = -999999999999; b;) c = b._next, e > b._starttime && this._sortchildren ? this.insert(b, b._starttime - b._delay) : e = b._starttime, 0 > b._starttime && (d -= b._starttime, this.shiftchildren(-b._starttime, !1, -9999999999)), b = b._starttime + (b._dirty ? b.totalduration() : b._totalduration) / b._timescale, b > d && (d = b), b = c; this._duration = this._totalduration = d; this._dirty = !1 } return this._totalduration } return 0 !== this.totalduration() && 0 !== a && this.timescale(this._totalduration / a), this }, h.usesframes = function() { for (var a = this._timeline; a._timeline;) a = a._timeline; return a === b._rootframestimeline }, h.rawtime = function() { return this._paused || 0 !== this._totaltime && this._totaltime !== this._totalduration ? this._totaltime : (this._timeline.rawtime() - this._starttime) * this._timescale }, c }, !0); _gsdefine("timelinemax", ["timelinelite", "tweenlite", "easing.ease"], function(b, a, d) { var c = function(a) {, a); this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0; this._repeatdelay = this.vars.repeatdelay || 0; this._cycle = 0; this._yoyo = !0 === this.vars.yoyo; this._dirty = !0 }, e = [], g = new d(null, null, 1, 0); d = c.prototype = new b; return d.constructor = c, d.kill()._gc = !1, c.version = 1.675, d.invalidate = function() { return this._yoyo = !0 === this.vars.yoyo, this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0, this._repeatdelay = this.vars.repeatdelay || 0, this._uncache(!0), }, d.addcallback = function(c, b, d, e) { return this.insert(a.delayedcall(0, c, d, e), b) }, d.removecallback = function(a, c) { if (null == c) this._kill(null, a); else for (var b = this.gettweensof(a, !1), d = b.length, e = this._parsetimeorlabel(c); - 1 < --d;) b[d]._starttime === e && b[d]._enabled(!1, !1); return this }, d.tweento = function(c, b) { b = b || {}; var d, q, n = { ease: g, overwrite: 2, useframes: this.usesframes(), immediaterender: !1 }; for (d in b) n[d] = b[d]; return n.time = this._parsetimeorlabel(c), q = new a(this, math.abs(number(n.time) - this._time) / this._timescale || 0.001, n), n.onstart = function() {!0); q.vars.time !== && q.duration(math.abs(q.vars.time - /; b.onstart && b.onstart.apply(b.onstartscope || q, b.onstartparams || e) }, q }, d.tweenfromto = function(a, b, c) { c = c || {}; c.startat = { time: this._parsetimeorlabel(a) }; a = this.tweento(b, c); return a.duration(math.abs(a.vars.time - a.vars.startat.time) / this._timescale || 0.001) }, d.render = function(a, c, b) { this._gc && this._enabled(!0, !1); this._active = !this._paused; var d, g, k, p = this._dirty ? this.totalduration() : this._totalduration, l = this._time, s = this._totaltime, u = this._starttime, v = this._timescale, m = this._rawprevtime, y = this._paused, w = this._cycle; if (a >= p) this._locked || (this._totaltime = p, this._cycle = this._repeat), this._reversed || this._haspausedchild() || (d = !0, k = "oncomplete", 0 === this._duration && (0 === a || 0 > this._rawprevtime) && this._rawprevtime !== a && (b = !0)), this._rawprevtime = a, this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? (this._time = 0, a = -1e-6) : (this._time = this._duration, a = this._duration + 1e-6); else if (0 >= a) this._locked || (this._totaltime = this._cycle = 0), this._time = 0, (0 !== l || 0 === this._duration && 0 < this._rawprevtime && !this._locked) && (k = "onreversecomplete", d = this._reversed), 0 > a ? (this._active = !1, 0 === this._duration && 0 <= this._rawprevtime && (b = !0)) : this._initted || (b = !0), this._rawprevtime = a, a = 0 === this._duration ? 0 : -1e-6; else if (this._time = this._rawprevtime = a, !this._locked && (this._totaltime = a, 0 !== this._repeat)) { var f = this._duration + this._repeatdelay; this._cycle = this._totaltime / f >> 0; 0 !== this._cycle && this._cycle === this._totaltime / f && this._cycle--; this._time = this._totaltime - this._cycle * f; this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) && (this._time = this._duration - this._time); this._time > this._duration ? (this._time = this._duration, a = this._duration + 1e-6) : 0 > this._time ? this._time = a = 0 : a = this._time } if (this._cycle !== w && !this._locked) { var f = this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & w), z = f === (this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle)), q = this._totaltime, d = this._cycle, r = this._rawprevtime, h = this._time; this._totaltime = w * this._duration; w > this._cycle ? f = !f : this._totaltime += this._duration; this._time = l; this._rawprevtime = 0 === this._duration ? m - 1e-5 : m; this._cycle = w; this._locked = !0; l = f ? 0 : this._duration; this.render(l, c, 0 === this._duration); c || this._gc || this.vars.onrepeat && this.vars.onrepeat.apply(this.vars.onrepeatscope || this, this.vars.onrepeatparams || e); z && (l = f ? this._duration + 1e-6 : -1e-6, this.render(l, !0, !1)); this._time = h; this._totaltime = q; this._cycle = d; this._rawprevtime = r; this._locked = !1 } if (this._time === l && !b) return s !== this._totaltime && this._onupdate && (c || this._onupdate.apply(this.vars.onupdatescope || this, this.vars.onupdateparams || e)), void 0; if (this._initted || (this._initted = !0), 0 === s && this.vars.onstart && 0 !== this._totaltime && (c || this.vars.onstart.apply(this.vars.onstartscope || this, this.vars.onstartparams || e)), this._time > l) for (b = this._first; b && (g = b._next, !this._paused || y);)(b._active || b._starttime <= this._time && !b._paused && !b._gc) && (b._reversed ? b.render((b._dirty ? b.totalduration() : b._totalduration) - (a - b._starttime) * b._timescale, c, !1) : b.render((a - b._starttime) * b._timescale, c, !1)), b = g; else for (b = this._last; b && (g = b._prev, !this._paused || y);)(b._active || l >= b._starttime && !b._paused && !b._gc) && (b._reversed ? b.render((b._dirty ? b.totalduration() : b._totalduration) - (a - b._starttime) * b._timescale, c, !1) : b.render((a - b._starttime) * b._timescale, c, !1)), b = g; this._onupdate && (c || this._onupdate.apply(this.vars.onupdatescope || this, this.vars.onupdateparams || e)); k && (this._locked || this._gc || (u === this._starttime || v !== this._timescale) && (0 === this._time || p >= this.totalduration()) && (d && (this._timeline.autoremovechildren && this._enabled(!1, !1), this._active = !1), c || this.vars[k] && this.vars[k].apply(this.vars[k + "scope"] || this, this.vars[k + "params"] || e))) }, d.getactive = function(a, b, c) { null == a && (a = !0); null == b && (b = !0); null == c && (c = !1); var d = []; c = this.getchildren(a, b, c); var e = 0, g = c.length; for (a = 0; g > a; a++) if (b = c[a], !b._paused && b._timeline._time >= b._starttime && b._timeline._time < b._starttime + b._totalduration / b._timescale) { var p; a: { for (p = b._timeline; p;) { if (p._paused) { p = !0; break a } p = p._timeline } p = !1 } p || (d[e++] = b) } return d }, d.getlabelafter = function(a) { a || 0 !== a && (a = this._time); var b, c = this.getlabelsarray(), d = c.length; for (b = 0; d > b; b++) if (c[b].time > a) return c[b].name; return null }, d.getlabelbefore = function(a) { null == a && (a = this._time); for (var b = this.getlabelsarray(), c = b.length; - 1 < --c;) if (a > b[c].time) return b[c].name; return null }, d.getlabelsarray = function() { var a, b = [], c = 0; for (a in this._labels) b[c++] = { time: this._labels[a], name: a }; return b.sort(function(a, b) { return a.time - b.time }), b }, d.progress = function(a) { return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(this.duration() * (this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? 1 - a : a) + this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatdelay), !1) : this._time / this.duration() }, d.totalprogress = function(a) { return arguments.length ? this.totaltime(this.totalduration() * a, !1) : this._totaltime / this.totalduration() }, d.totalduration = function(a) { return arguments.length ? -1 === this._repeat ? this : this.duration((a - this._repeat * this._repeatdelay) / (this._repeat + 1)) : (this._dirty && (, this._totalduration = -1 === this._repeat ? 999999999999 : this._duration * (this._repeat + 1) + this._repeatdelay * this._repeat), this._totalduration) }, d.time = function(a, b) { return arguments.length ? (this._dirty && this.totalduration(), a > this._duration && (a = this._duration), this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? a = this._duration - a + this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatdelay) : 0 !== this._repeat && (a += this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatdelay)), this.totaltime(a, b)) : this._time }, d.repeat = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (this._repeat = a, this._uncache(!0)) : this._repeat }, d.repeatdelay = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (this._repeatdelay = a, this._uncache(!0)) : this._repeatdelay }, d.yoyo = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (this._yoyo = a, this) : this._yoyo }, d.currentlabel = function(a) { return arguments.length ?, !0) : this.getlabelbefore(this._time + 1e-8) }, c }, !0); _gsdefine("plugins.bezierplugin", ["plugins.tweenplugin"], function(b) { var a = function() {, "bezier", -1); this._overwriteprops.pop(); this._func = {}; this._round = {} }, d = a.prototype = new b("bezier", 1), c = 180 / math.pi, e = math.pi / 180, g = [], f = [], h = [], j = {}, q = function(a, b, c, d) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.da = d - a; = c - a; = b - a }, n = a.bezierthrough = function(a, b, c, d, e, n) { var w, p, z, q, d = {}, r = [], h = n || a[0]; e = "string" == typeof e ? "," + e + "," : ",x,y,z,left,top,right,bottom,margintop,marginleft,marginright,marginbottom,paddingleft,paddingtop,paddingright,paddingbottom,backgroundposition,backgroundposition_y,"; null == b && (b = 1); for (p in a[0]) r.push(p); if (1 < a.length) { z = a[a.length - 1]; q = !0; for (w = r.length; - 1 < --w;) if (p = r[w], 0.05 < math.abs(h[p] - z[p])) { q = !1; break } q && (a = a.concat(), n && a.unshift(n), a.push(a[1]), n = a[a.length - 3]) } g.length = f.length = h.length = 0; for (w = r.length; - 1 < --w;) { p = r[w]; j[p] = -1 !== e.indexof("," + p + ","); z = d; var h = p, a; a = a; var e = p, i = j[p], g = n, x = void 0, c = void 0, b = void 0, o = void 0, m = void 0, b = void 0, r = []; if (g) { a = [g].concat(a); for (c = a.length; - 1 < --c;)"string" == typeof(b = a[c][e]) && "=" === b.charat(1) && (a[c][e] = g[e] + number(b.charat(0) + b.substr(2))) } if (x = a.length - 2, 0 > x) a = (r[0] = new q(a[0][e], 0, 0, a[-1 > x ? 0 : 1][e]), r); else { for (c = 0; x > c; c++) b = a[c][e], o = a[c + 1][e], r[c] = new q(b, 0, 0, o), i && (m = a[c + 2][e], g[c] = (g[c] || 0) + (o - b) * (o - b), f[c] = (f[c] || 0) + (m - o) * (m - o)); a = (r[c] = new q(a[c][e], 0, 0, a[c + 1][e]), r) } z[h] = a } for (w = g.length; - 1 < --w;) g[w] = math.sqrt(g[w]), f[w] = math.sqrt(f[w]); if (!d) { for (w = r.length; - 1 < --w;) if (j[p]) { a = d[r[w]]; z = a.length - 1; for (e = 0; z > e; e++) n = a[e + 1].da / f[e] + a[e].da / g[e], h[e] = (h[e] || 0) + n * n } for (w = h.length; - 1 < --w;) h[w] = math.sqrt(h[w]) } w = r.length; for (e = c ? 4 : 1; - 1 < --w;) { p = r[w]; n = a = d[p]; z = b; h = c; a = d; p = j[p]; for (var t = g = i = e = void 0, j = o = b = t = r = m = c = x = void 0, k = void 0, x = n.length - 1, l = 0, n = n[0].a, e = 0; x > e; e++) x = n[l], i = x.a, g = x.d, t = n[l + 1].d, p ? (o = g[e], j = f[e], k = 0.25 * (j + o) * z / (a ? 0.5 : h[e] || 0.5), c = g - (g - i) * (a ? 0.5 * z : k / o), m = g + (t - g) * (a ? 0.5 * z : k / j), r = g - (c + (m - c) * (3 * o / (o + j) + 0.5) / 4)) : (c = g - 0.5 * (g - i) * z, m = g + 0.5 * (t - g) * z, r = g - (c + m) / 2), c += r, m += r, x.c = t = c, x.b = 0 !== e ? n : n = x.a + 0.6 * (x.c - x.a), x.da = g - i, = t - i, = n - i, h ? (b = k(i, n, t, g), n.splice(l, 1, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]), l += 4) : l++, n = m; x = n[l]; x.b = n; x.c = n + 0.4 * (x.d - n); x.da = x.d - x.a; = x.c - x.a; = n - x.a; h && (b = k(x.a, n, x.c, x.d), n.splice(l, 1, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])); q && (a.splice(0, e), a.splice(a.length - e, e)) } return d }, k = a.cubictoquadratic = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = { a: a }, f = {}, h = {}, g = { c: d }, j = (a + b) / 2, n = (b + c) / 2; c = (c + d) / 2; b = (j + n) / 2; var n = (n + c) / 2, q = (n - b) / 8; return e.b = j + (a - j) / 4, f.b = b + q, e.c = f.a = (e.b + f.b) / 2, f.c = h.a = (b + n) / 2, h.b = n - q, g.b = c + (d - c) / 4, h.c = g.a = (h.b + g.b) / 2, [e, f, h, g] }, p = (a.quadratictocubic = function(a, b, c) { return new q(a, (2 * b + a) / 3, (2 * b + c) / 3, c) }, function(a, b) { b = b >> 0 || 6; var c, d, e, f = [], h = [], g = 0, j = 0, n = b - 1, q = [], k = []; for (c in a) { d = a[c]; e = f; for (var p = b, a = void 0, e = void 0, i = e = void 0, g = void 0, x = void 0, c = a = void 0, b = void 0, b = x = void 0, o = 1 / p, m = d.length; - 1 < --m;) { x = d[m]; e = x.a; i = x.d - e; g = x.c - e; x = x.b - e; e = 0; for (c = 1; p >= c; c++) a = o * c, b = 1 - a, a = e - (e = (a * a * i + 3 * b * (a * g + b * x)) * a), b = m * p + c - 1, e[b] = (e[b] || 0) + a * a } } d = f.length; for (c = 0; d > c; c++) g += math.sqrt(f[c]), e = c % b, k[e] = g, e === n && (j += g, e = c / b >> 0, q[e] = k, h[e] = j, g = 0, k = []); return { length: j, lengths: h, segments: q } }); return d.constructor = a, a.api = 2, a._cssregister = function() { var b =; if (b) { var b = b._internals, c = b._parsetoproxy, d = b._setpluginratio, f = b.cssproptween; b._registercomplexspecialprop("bezier", null, function(b, h, g, j, l, n) { h instanceof array && (h = { values: h }); n = new a; var q, k, p = h.values, a = p.length - 1, e = [], i = {}; if (0 > a) return l; for (g = 0; a >= g; g++) k = c(b, p[g], j, l, n, a !== g), e[g] = k.end; for (q in h) i[q] = h[q]; return i.values = e, l = new f(b, "bezier", 0, 0,, 2), = k, l.plugin = n, l.setratio = d, 0 === i.autorotate && (i.autorotate = !0), i.autorotate && (i.autorotate instanceof array || (g = !0 === i.autorotate ? 0 : number(i.autorotate) * e, i.autorotate = null != k.end.left ? [ ["left", "top", "rotation", g, !0] ] : null != k.end.x ? [ ["x", "y", "rotation", g, !0] ] : !1)), i.autorotate && (j._transform || j._enabletransforms(!1), k.autorotate = j._target._gstransform), n._oninittween(k.proxy, i, j._tween), l }) } }, d._oninittween = function(a, b, c) { this._target = a; b instanceof array && (b = { values: b }); this._props = []; this._timeres = null == b.timeresolution ? 6 : parseint(b.timeresolution, 10); var d, e, f, h, g = b.values || []; f = {}; e = g[0]; this._autorotate = (c = b.autorotate || c.vars.orienttobezier) ? c instanceof array ? c : [ ["x", "y", "rotation", !0 === c ? 0 : number(c) || 0] ] : null; for (d in e) this._props.push(d); for (e = this._props.length; - 1 < --e;) d = this._props[e], this._overwriteprops.push(d), c = this._func[d] = "function" == typeof a[d], f[d] = c ? a[d.indexof("set") || "function" != typeof a["get" + d.substr(3)] ? d : "get" + d.substr(3)]() : parsefloat(a[d]), h || f[d] !== g[0][d] && (h = f); if ("cubic" !== b.type && "quadratic" !== b.type && "soft" !== b.type) f = n(g, isnan(b.curviness) ? 1 : b.curviness, !1, "thrubasic" === b.type, b.correlate, h); else { h = g; e = (e = b.type) || "soft"; var j, k, d, r, h, a, e; b = {}; var g = "cubic" === e ? 3 : 2, i = "soft" === e, g = []; if (i && f && (h = [f].concat(h)), null == h || g + 1 > h.length) throw "invalid bezier data"; for (j in h[0]) g.push(j); for (r = g.length; - 1 < --r;) { j = g[r]; b[j] = c = []; e = 0; a = h.length; for (h = 0; a > h; h++) e = null == f ? h[h][j] : "string" == typeof(k = h[h][j]) && "=" === k.charat(1) ? f[j] + number(k.charat(0) + k.substr(2)) : number(k), i && 1 < h && a - 1 > h && (c[e++] = (e + c[e - 2]) / 2), c[e++] = e; a = e - g + 1; for (h = e = 0; a > h; h += g) e = c[h], j = c[h + 1], k = c[h + 2], d = 2 === g ? 0 : c[h + 3], c[e++] = k = 3 === g ? new q(e, j, k, d) : new q(e, (2 * j + e) / 3, (2 * j + k) / 3, k); c.length = e } f = b } if (this._beziers = f, this._segcount = this._beziers[d].length, this._timeres) d = p(this._beziers, this._timeres), this._length = d.length, this._lengths = d.lengths, this._segments = d.segments, this._l1 = this._li = this._s1 = this._si = 0, this._l2 = this._lengths[0], this._curseg = this._segments[0], this._s2 = this._curseg[0], this._prec = 1 / this._curseg.length; if (c = this._autorotate) { c[0] instanceof array || (this._autorotate = c = [c]); for (e = c.length; - 1 < --e;) for (f = 0; 3 > f; f++) d = c[e][f], this._func[d] = "function" == typeof a[d] ? a[d.indexof("set") || "function" != typeof a["get" + d.substr(3)] ? d : "get" + d.substr(3)] : !1 } return !0 }, d.setratio = function(a) { var b, d, e, f, h, g; d = this._segcount; var j = this._func, n = this._target; if (this._timeres) { if (b = this._lengths, h = this._curseg, a *= this._length, e = this._li, a > this._l2 && d - 1 > e) { for (d -= 1; d > e && a >= (this._l2 = b[++e]);); this._l1 = b[e - 1]; this._li = e; this._curseg = h = this._segments[e]; this._s2 = h[this._s1 = this._si = 0] } else if (this._l1 > a && 0 < e) { for (; 0 < e && (this._l1 = b[--e]) >= a;); 0 === e && this._l1 > a ? this._l1 = 0 : e++; this._l2 = b[e]; this._li = e; this._curseg = h = this._segments[e]; this._s1 = h[(this._si = h.length - 1) - 1] || 0; this._s2 = h[this._si] } if (b = e, a -= this._l1, e = this._si, a > this._s2 && h.length - 1 > e) { for (d = h.length - 1; d > e && a >= (this._s2 = h[++e]);); this._s1 = h[e - 1]; this._si = e } else if (this._s1 > a && 0 < e) { for (; 0 < e && (this._s1 = h[--e]) >= a;); 0 === e && this._s1 > a ? this._s1 = 0 : e++; this._s2 = h[e]; this._si = e } h = (e + (a - this._s1) / (this._s2 - this._s1)) * this._prec } else b = 0 > a ? 0 : 1 <= a ? d - 1 : d * a >> 0, h = (a - b * (1 / d)) * d; d = 1 - h; for (e = this._props.length; - 1 < --e;) a = this._props[e], f = this._beziers[a][b], g = (h * h * f.da + 3 * d * (h * + d * * h + f.a, this._round[a] && (g = g + (0 < g ? 0.5 : -0.5) >> 0), j[a] ? n[a](g) : n[a] = g; if (this._autorotate) { var k, q, p, h, a; d = this._autorotate; for (e = d.length; - 1 < --e;) a = d[e][2], h = d[e][3] || 0, a = !0 === d[e][4] ? 1 : c, f = this._beziers[d[e][0]][b], g = this._beziers[d[e][1]][b], k = f.a + (f.b - f.a) * h, q = f.b + (f.c - f.b) * h, k += (q - k) * h, q += (f.c + (f.d - f.c) * h - q) * h, f = g.a + (g.b - g.a) * h, p = g.b + (g.c - g.b) * h, f += (p - f) * h, p += (g.c + (g.d - g.c) * h - p) * h, g = math.atan2(p - f, q - k) * a + h, j[a] ? j[a].call(n, g) : n[a] = g } }, d._roundprops = function(a, b) { for (var c = this._overwriteprops, d = c.length; - 1 < --d;)(a[c[d]] || a.bezier || a.bezierthrough) && (this._round[c[d]] = b) }, d._kill = function(a) { var c, d, e = this._props; for (c in this._beziers) if (c in a) { delete this._beziers[c]; delete this._func[c]; for (d = e.length; - 1 < --d;) e[d] === c && e.splice(d, 1) } return, a) }, b.activate([a]), a }, !0); _gsdefine("plugins.cssplugin", ["plugins.tweenplugin", "tweenlite"], function(b) { var a, d, c, e, g = function() {, "css"); this._overwriteprops.length = 0 }, f = {}, h = g.prototype = new b("css"); h.constructor = g; g.version = 1.673; g.api = 2; g.defaulttransformperspective = 0; h = "px"; g.suffixmap = { top: h, right: h, bottom: h, left: h, width: h, height: h, fontsize: h, padding: h, margin: h, perspective: h }; var j, q, n, k, p, l, s = /(?:\d|\-\d|\.\d|\-\.\d)+/g, u = /(?:\d|\-\d|\.\d|\-\.\d|\+=\d|\-=\d|\+=.\d|\-=\.\d)+/g, v = /(?:\+=|\-=|\-|\b)[\d\-\.]+[a-za-z0-9]*(?:%|\b)/gi, m = /[^\d\-\.]/g, y = /(?:\d|\-|\+|=|#|\.)*/g, w = /opacity *= *([^)]*)/, f = /opacity:([^;]*)/, z = /alpha\(opacity *=.+?\)/i, q = /([a-z])/g, d = /-([a-z])/gi, r = /(^(?:url\(\"|url\())|(?:(\"\))$|\)$)/gi, h = function(a, b) { return b.touppercase() }, a = /(?:left|right|width)/i, e = /(m11|m12|m21|m22)=[\d\-\.e]+/gi, i = /progid\:dximagetransform\.microsoft\.matrix\(.+?\)/i, g = math.pi / 180, x = 180 / math.pi, c = {}, b = document, o = b.createelement("div"), m = b.createelement("img"), r = g._internals = { _specialprops: f }, t = navigator.useragent, j, k, x = t.indexof("android"), l = b.createelement("div"); j = (n = -1 !== t.indexof("safari") && -1 === t.indexof("chrome") && (-1 === x || 3 < number(t.substr(x + 8, 1))), p = n && 6 > number(t.substr(t.indexof("version/") + 8, 1)), k = -1 !== t.indexof("firefox"), /msie ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.exec(t), l = parsefloat(regexp.$1), l.innerhtml = "a", k = l.getelementsbytagname("a")[0], k ? /^0.55/.test( : !1); var n = function(a) { return w.test("string" == typeof a ? a : (a.currentstyle ? a.currentstyle.filter : || "") ? parsefloat(regexp.$1) / 100 : 1 }, p = "", ca = "", v = function(a, b) { b = b || o; var c, d, e =; if (void 0 !== e[a]) return a; a = a.charat(0).touppercase() + a.substr(1); c = ["o", "moz", "ms", "ms", "webkit"]; for (d = 5; - 1 < --d && void 0 === e[c[d] + a];); return 0 <= d ? (ca = 3 === d ? "ms" : c[d], p = "-" + ca.tolowercase() + "-", ca + a) : null }, da = b.defaultview ? b.defaultview.getcomputedstyle : function() {}, s = g.getstyle = function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f; return j || "opacity" !== b ? (!d &&[b] ? f =[b] : (c = c || da(a, null)) ? (a = c.getpropertyvalue(b.replace(q, "-$1").tolowercase()), f = a || c.length ? a : c[b]) : a.currentstyle && (c = a.currentstyle, f = c[b]), null == e || f && "none" !== f && "auto" !== f && "auto auto" !== f ? f : e) : n(a) }, fa = function(a, b, c) { var d, e, f = {}, h = a._gsoverwrittenclassnamept; if (h && !c) { for (; h;) h.setratio(0), h = h._next; a._gsoverwrittenclassnamept = null } if (b = b || da(a, null)) if (d = b.length) for (; - 1 < --d;) f[b[d].replace(d, h)] = b.getpropertyvalue(b[d]); else for (d in b) f[d] = b[d]; else if (b = a.currentstyle || for (d in b) f[d.replace(d, h)] = b[d]; return j || (f.opacity = n(a)), e = la(a, b, !1), f.rotation = e.rotation * x, f.skewx = e.skewx * x, f.scalex = e.scalex, f.scaley = e.scaley, f.x = e.x, f.y = e.y, ea && (f.z = e.z, f.rotationx = e.rotationx * x, f.rotationy = e.rotationy * x, f.scalez = e.scalez), f.filters && delete f.filters, f }, ia = function(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, h, g = {}; a =; for (f in c)"csstext" !== f && "length" !== f && isnan(f) && b[f] !== (e = c[f]) && -1 === f.indexof("origin") && ("number" == typeof e || "string" == typeof e) && (g[f] = "" !== e && "auto" !== e && "none" !== e || "string" != typeof b[f] || "" === b[f].replace(m, "") ? e : 0, void 0 !== a[f] && (h = new pa(a, f, a[f], h))); if (d) for (f in d)"classname" !== f && (g[f] = d[f]); return { difs: g, firstmpt: h } }, ma = { width: ["left", "right"], height: ["top", "bottom"] }, na = ["marginleft", "marginright", "margintop", "marginbottom"], y = function(a, b, c, d, e) { if ("px" === d || !d) return c; if ("auto" === d || !c) return 0; var f, h = a.test(b), g = a, j =, l = 0 > c; return l && (c = -c), "%" === d && -1 !== b.indexof("border") ? f = c / 100 * (h ? a.clientwidth : a.clientheight) : (j.csstext = "border-style:solid; border-width:0; position:absolute; line-height:0;", "%" !== d && "em" !== d && g.appendchild ? j[h ? "borderleftwidth" : "bordertopwidth"] = c + d : (g = a.parentnode || b.body, j[h ? "width" : "height"] = c + d), g.appendchild(o), f = parsefloat(o[h ? "offsetwidth" : "offsetheight"]), g.removechild(o), 0 !== f || e || (f = y(a, b, c, d, !0))), l ? -f : f }, ja = function(a, b) { (null == a || "" === a || "auto" === a || "auto auto" === a) && (a = "0 0"); var c = a.split(" "), d = -1 !== a.indexof("left") ? "0%" : -1 !== a.indexof("right") ? "100%" : c[0], e = -1 !== a.indexof("top") ? "0%" : -1 !== a.indexof("bottom") ? "100%" : c[1]; return null == e ? e = "0" : "center" === e && (e = "50%"), ("center" === d || isnan(parsefloat(d))) && (d = "50%"), b && (b.oxp = -1 !== d.indexof("%"), b.oyp = -1 !== e.indexof("%"), b.oxr = "=" === d.charat(1), b.oyr = "=" === e.charat(1), b.ox = parsefloat(d.replace(m, "")), b.oy = parsefloat(e.replace(m, ""))), d + " " + e + (2 < c.length ? " " + c[2] : "") }, ka = function(a, b) { return "string" == typeof a && "=" === a.charat(1) ? parseint(a.charat(0) + "1", 10) * parsefloat(a.substr(2)) : parsefloat(a) - parsefloat(b) }, ba = function(a, b) { return null == a ? b : "string" == typeof a && "=" === a.charat(1) ? parseint(a.charat(0) + "1", 10) * number(a.substr(2)) + b : parsefloat(a) }, $ = function(a, b) { if (null == a) return b; var c = -1 === a.indexof("rad") ? g : 1, d = "=" === a.charat(1); return a = number(a.replace(m, "")) * c, d ? a + b : a }, ga = function(a, b) { var c = (("number" == typeof a ? a * g : $(a, b)) - b) % (2 * math.pi); return c !== c % math.pi && (c += math.pi * (0 > c ? 2 : -2)), b + c }, z = { aqua: [0, 255, 255], lime: [0, 255, 0], silver: [192, 192, 192], black: [0, 0, 0], maroon: [128, 0, 0], teal: [0, 128, 128], blue: [0, 0, 255], navy: [0, 0, 128], white: [255, 255, 255], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], olive: [128, 128, 0], yellow: [255, 255, 0], orange: [255, 165, 0], gray: [128, 128, 128], purple: [128, 0, 128], green: [0, 128, 0], red: [255, 0, 0], pink: [255, 192, 203], cyan: [0, 255, 255], transparent: [255, 255, 255, 0] }, qa = function(a) { if (!a || "" === a) return; if (z[a]) return z[a]; if ("number" == typeof a) return [a >> 16, 255 & a >> 8, 255 & a]; if ("#" === a.charat(0)) { if (4 === a.length) { var b = a.charat(1), c = a.charat(2); a = a.charat(3); a = "#" + b + b + c + c + a + a } return a = parseint(a.substr(1), 16), [a >> 16, 255 & a >> 8, 255 & a] } return a = a.match(s) || z.transparent, a[0] = number(a[0]), a[1] = number(a[1]), a[2] = number(a[2]), 3 < a.length && (a[3] = number(a[3])), a }, ha = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba)\\(.+?\\))|\\b#.+?\\b"; for (h in z) ha += "|" + h + "\\b"; var ha = regexp(ha + ")", "gi"), ra = function(a, b, c) { if (null == a) return function(a) { return a }; var d = b ? (a.match(ha) || [""])[0] : "", e = a.split(d).join("").match(v) || [], f = a.substr(0, a.indexof(e[0])), h = ")" === a.charat(a.length - 1) ? ")" : "", g = -1 !== a.indexof(" ") ? " " : ",", j = e.length, l = 0 < j ? e[0].replace(s, "") : ""; return b ? function(a) { "number" == typeof a && (a += l); var b = (a.match(ha) || [d])[0]; a = a.split(b).join("").match(v) || []; var r = a.length; if (j > r--) for (; j > ++r;) a[r] = c ? a[(r - 1) / 2 >> 0] : e[r]; return f + a.join(g) + g + b + h } : function(a) { "number" == typeof a && (a += l); a = a.match(v) || []; var b = a.length; if (j > b--) for (; j > ++b;) a[b] = c ? a[(b - 1) / 2 >> 0] : e[b]; return f + a.join(g) + h } }, t = function(a) { return a = a.split(","), function(b, c, d, e, f, h, g) { d = (c + "").split(" "); g = {}; for (c = 0; 4 > c; c++) g[a[c]] = d[c] = d[c] || d[(c - 1) / 2 >> 0]; return e.parse(b, g, f, h) } }, pa = (r._setpluginratio = function(a) { this.plugin.setratio(a); for (var b, c, d =, e = d.proxy, f = d.firstmpt; f;) b = e[f.v], f.r ? b = 0 < b ? b + 0.5 >> 0 : b - 0.5 >> 0 : 1e-6 > b && -1e-6 < b && (b = 0), f.t[f.p] = b, f = f._next; if (d.autorotate && (d.autorotate.rotation = e.rotation), 1 === a) for (f = d.firstmpt; f;) { if (c = f.t, c.type) { if (1 === c.type) { b = c.xs0 + c.s + c.xs1; for (a = 1; c.l > a; a++) b += c["xn" + a] + c["xs" + (a + 1)]; c.e = b } } else c.e = c.s + c.xs0; f = f._next } }, function(a, b, c, d, e) { this.t = a; this.p = b; this.v = c; this.r = e; d && (d._prev = this, this._next = d) }), u = (r._parsetoproxy = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var h, g, j, l = d, r = {}, n = {}; g = c._transform; var t = c; c._transform = null; c = b; d = a = c.parse(a, b, d, e); c = t; for (f && (c._transform = g, l && (l._prev = null, l._prev && (l._prev._next = null))); d && d !== l;) { if (1 >= d.type && (h = d.p, n[h] = d.s + d.c, r[h] = d.s, f || (j = new pa(d, "s", h, j, d.r), d.c = 0), 1 === d.type)) for (c = d.l; 0 < --c;) g = "xn" + c, h = d.p + "_" + g, n[h] =[g], r[h] = d[g], f || (j = new pa(d, g, h, j, d.rxp[g])); d = d._next } return { proxy: r, end: n, firstmpt: j, pt: a } }, r.cssproptween = function(b, c, d, f, h, g, j, l, r, n, t) { this.t = b; this.p = c; this.s = d; this.c = f; this.n = j || "css_" + c; b instanceof u || e.push(this.n); this.r = l; this.type = g || 0; r && ( = r, a = !0); this.b = void 0 === n ? d : n; this.e = void 0 === t ? d + f : t; h && (this._next = h, h._prev = this) }), oa = g.parsecomplex = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g, l, r) { h = new u(a, b, 0, 0, h, r ? 2 : 1, null, !1, g, c, d); var n, t, k, m, q, p; a = c.split(", ").join(",").split(" "); b = (d + "").split(", ").join(",").split(" "); c = a.length; g = !1 !== j; c !== b.length && (a = (f || "").split(" "), c = a.length); h.plugin = l; h.setratio = r; for (f = 0; c > f; f++) if (t = a[f], r = b[f], m = parsefloat(t), m || 0 === m) h.appendxtra("", m, ka(r, m), r.replace(u, ""), g && -1 !== r.indexof("px"), !0); else if (e && ("#" === t.charat(0) || 0 === t.indexof("rgb") || z[t])) t = qa(t), r = qa(r), (l = 6 < t.length + r.length) && !j && 0 === r[3] ? (h["xs" + h.l] += h.l ? " transparent" : "transparent", h.e = h.e.split(b[f]).join("transparent")) : (j || (l = !1), h.appendxtra(l ? "rgba(" : "rgb(", t[0], r[0] - t[0], ",", !0, !0).appendxtra("", t[1], r[1] - t[1], ",", !0).appendxtra("", t[2], r[2] - t[2], l ? "," : ")", !0), l && (t = 4 > t.length ? 1 : t[3], h.appendxtra("", t, (4 > r.length ? 1 : r[3]) - t, ")", !1))); else if (l = t.match(s)) { if (k = r.match(u), !k || k.length !== l.length) return h; for (r = n = 0; l.length > r; r++) p = l[r], q = t.indexof(p, n), h.appendxtra(t.substr(n, q - n), number(p), ka(k[r], p), "", g && "px" === t.substr(q + p.length, 2), 0 === r), n = q + p.length; h["xs" + h.l] += t.substr(n) } else h["xs" + h.l] += h.l ? " " + t : t; if (-1 !== d.indexof("=") && { d = h.xs0 +; for (f = 1; h.l > f; f++) d += h["xs" + f] +["xn" + f]; h.e = d + h["xs" + f] } return h.l || (h.type = -1, h.xs0 = h.e), h.xfirst || h }, w = 9, h = u.prototype; for (h.l = = 0; 0 < --w;) h["xn" + w] = 0, h["xs" + w] = ""; h.xs0 = ""; h._next = h._prev = h.xfirst = = h.plugin = h.setratio = h.rxp = null; h.appendxtra = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var h = this.l; return this["xs" + h] += f && h ? " " + a : a || "", c || 0 === h || this.plugin ? (this.l++, this.type = this.setratio ? 2 : 1, this["xs" + this.l] = d || "", 0 < h ? (["xn" + h] = b + c, this.rxp["xn" + h] = e, this["xn" + h] = b, this.plugin || (this.xfirst = new u(this, "xn" + h, b, c, this.xfirst || this, 0, this.n, e,, this.xfirst.xs0 = 0), this) : ( = { s: b + c }, this.rxp = {}, this.s = b, this.c = c, this.r = e, this)) : (this["xs" + h] += b + (d || ""), this) }; var sa = function(a, b, c, d, e, h, g) { this.p = d ? v(a) || a : a; f[a] = f[this.p] = this; this.format = h || ra(b, e); c && (this.parse = c); this.clrs = e; this.dflt = b; = g || 0 }, t = r._registercomplexspecialprop = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) { a = a.split(","); b = b instanceof array ? b : [b]; for (var g = a.length; - 1 < --g;) new sa(a[g], b[g], c, d && 0 === g, e, f, h) }, r = function(a) { if (!f[a]) { var b = a.charat(0).touppercase() + a.substr(1) + "plugin"; t(a, null, function(a, c, d, e, h, g, j) { var l =[b]; l ? a = (l._cssregister(), f[d].parse(a, c, d, e, h, g, j)) : (window.console && console.log("error: " + b + " js file not loaded."), a = h); return a }) } }, h = sa.prototype; h.parsecomplex = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { return oa(a, this.p, b, c, this.clrs, this.dflt, d,, e, f) }; h.parse = function(a, b, d, e, f, h) { return this.parsecomplex(, this.format(s(a, d, c, !1, this.dflt)), this.format(b), f, h) }; g.registerspecialprop = function(a, b, c) { t(a, null, function(a, d, e, f, h, g) { h = new u(a, e, 0, 0, h, 2, e, !1, c); return h.plugin = g, h.setratio = b(a, d, f._tween, e), h }, !1, !1, null, c) }; var ta = "scalex scaley scalez x y z skewx rotation rotationx rotationy perspective".split(" "), aa = v("transform"), va = p + "transform", ua = v("transformorigin"), ea = null !== v("perspective"), la = function(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, h, j, l, r, t, n, k = c ? a._gstransform || { skewy: 0 } : { skewy: 0 }, m = 0 > k.scalex, q = -math.pi + 1e-4, p = math.pi - 1e-4, j = ea ? parsefloat(s(a, ua, b, !1, "0 0 0").split(" ")[2]) || k.zorigin || 0 : 0; aa ? d = s(a, va, b, !0) : a.currentstyle && (d = a.currentstyle.filter.match(e), d = d && 4 === d.length ? d[0].substr(4) + "," + number(d[2].substr(4)) + "," + number(d[1].substr(4)) + "," + d[3].substr(4) + "," + (k ? k.x : 0) + "," + (k ? k.y : 0) : null); d = (d || "").match(/(?:\-|\b)[\d\-\.e]+\b/gi) || []; for (b = d.length; - 1 < --b;) e = number(d[b]), d[b] = (1e5 * e + (0 > e ? -0.5 : 0.5) >> 0) / 1e5; if (16 === d.length) { m = d[8]; e = d[9]; var s = d[10], k = d[12], w = d[13], u = d[14]; if (k.zorigin && (u = -k.zorigin, k = m * u - d[12], w = e * u - d[13], u = s * u + k.zorigin - d[14]), !c || k !== k.x || w !== k.y || u !== k.z) { var y = d[0], v = d[1], l = d[2], x = d[3], n = d[4], p = d[5], f = d[6], d = d[7]; d = d[11]; var z = k.rotationx = math.atan2(f, s), x = q > z || z > p; z && (l = math.cos(-z), r = math.sin(-z), f = n * l + m * r, h = p * l + e * r, j = f * l + s * r, m = n * -r + m * l, e = p * -r + e * l, s = f * -r + s * l, d = d * -r + d * l, n = f, p = h, f = j); (z = k.rotationy = math.atan2(m, y)) && (t = q > z || z > p, l = math.cos(-z), r = math.sin(-z), f = y * l - m * r, h = v * l - e * r, j = l * l - s * r, e = v * r + e * l, s = l * r + s * l, d = x * r + d * l, y = f, v = h, l = j); (z = k.rotation = math.atan2(v, p)) && (n = q > z || z > p, l = math.cos(-z), r = math.sin(-z), y = y * l + n * r, h = v * l + p * r, p = v * -r + p * l, f = l * -r + f * l, v = h); n && x ? k.rotation = k.rotationx = 0 : n && t ? k.rotation = k.rotationy = 0 : t && x && (k.rotationy = k.rotationx = 0); k.scalex = (1e5 * math.sqrt(y * y + v * v) + 0.5 >> 0) / 1e5; k.scaley = (1e5 * math.sqrt(p * p + e * e) + 0.5 >> 0) / 1e5; k.scalez = (1e5 * math.sqrt(f * f + s * s) + 0.5 >> 0) / 1e5; k.skewx = 0; k.perspective = d ? 1 / d : 0; k.x = k; k.y = w; k.z = u } } else if (!ea || 0 === d.length || k.x !== d[4] || k.y !== d[5] || !k.rotationx && !k.rotationy) h = (f = 6 <= d.length) ? d[0] : 1, l = d[1] || 0, j = d[2] || 0, r = f ? d[3] : 1, k.x = d[4] || 0, k.y = d[5] || 0, d = math.sqrt(h * h + l * l), f = math.sqrt(r * r + j * j), h = h || l ? math.atan2(l, h) : k.rotation || 0, j = j || r ? math.atan2(j, r) + h : k.skewx || 0, l = d - math.abs(k.scalex || 0), r = f - math.abs(k.scaley || 0), math.abs(j) > math.pi / 2 && math.abs(j) < 1.5 * math.pi && (m ? (d *= -1, j += 0 >= h ? math.pi : -math.pi, h += 0 >= h ? math.pi : -math.pi) : (f *= -1, j += 0 >= j ? math.pi : -math.pi)), t = (h - k.rotation) % math.pi, n = (j - k.skewx) % math.pi, (void 0 === k.skewx || 2e-5 < l || -2e-5 > l || 2e-5 < r || -2e-5 > r || t > q && p > t && 0 !== 1e5 * t >> 0 || n > q && p > n && 0 !== 1e5 * n >> 0) && (k.scalex = d, k.scaley = f, k.rotation = h, k.skewx = j), ea && (k.rotationx = k.rotationy = k.z = 0, k.perspective = parsefloat(g.defaulttransformperspective) || 0, k.scalez = 1); k.zorigin = j; for (b in k) 2e-5 > k[b] && -2e-5 < k[b] && (k[b] = 0); return c && (a._gstransform = k), k }, wa = function(a) { var b, c, d =, e = -d.rotation; b = e + d.skewx; var f = (1e5 * math.cos(e) * d.scalex >> 0) / 1e5, e = (1e5 * math.sin(e) * d.scalex >> 0) / 1e5, h = (1e5 * math.sin(b) * -d.scaley >> 0) / 1e5, g = (1e5 * math.cos(b) * d.scaley >> 0) / 1e5, j =, r = this.t.currentstyle; if (r) { c = e; e = -h; h = -c; b = r.filter; j.filter = ""; var k, t, n = this.t.offsetwidth; c = this.t.offsetheight; var m = "absolute" !== r.position, q = "" + f + ", m12=" + e + ", m21=" + h + ", m22=" + g, p = d.x, j = d.y; if (null != d.ox && (k = (d.oxp ? 0.01 * n * d.ox : d.ox) - n / 2, t = (d.oyp ? 0.01 * c * d.oy : d.oy) - c / 2, p += k - (k * f + t * e), j += t - (k * h + t * g)), m) k = n / 2, t = c / 2, q += ", dx=" + (k - (k * f + t * e) + p) + ", dy=" + (t - (k * h + t * g) + j) + ")"; else { var s = 8 > l ? 1 : -1; k = d.ieoffsetx || 0; t = d.ieoffsety || 0; d.ieoffsetx = math.round((n - ((0 > f ? -f : f) * n + (0 > e ? -e : e) * c)) / 2 + p); d.ieoffsety = math.round((c - ((0 > g ? -g : g) * c + (0 > h ? -h : h) * n)) / 2 + j); for (w = 0; 4 > w; w++) n = na[w], c = r[n], c = -1 !== c.indexof("px") ? parsefloat(c) : y(this.t, n, parsefloat(c), c.replace(y, "")) || 0, p = c !== d[n] ? 2 > w ? -d.ieoffsetx : -d.ieoffsety : 2 > w ? k - d.ieoffsetx : t - d.ieoffsety, j[n] = (d[n] = math.round(c - p * (0 === w || 2 === w ? 1 : s))) + "px"; q += ", sizingmethod='auto expand')" } j.filter = -1 !== b.indexof("") ? b.replace(i, q) : q + " " + b; (0 === a || 1 === a) && 1 === f && 0 === e && 0 === h && 1 === g && (m && -1 === q.indexof("dx=0, dy=0") || w.test(b) && 100 !== parsefloat(regexp.$1) || -1 === b.indexof("gradient(") && j.removeattribute("filter")) } }, xa = function() { var a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g, j, l =, r =, t = l.perspective, n = l.scalex, q = 0, m = 0, p = 0, j = 0, s = l.scaley, k = 0, w = 0, u = 0, y = 0, v = l.scalez, l = 0, x = 0, n = 0, p = t ? -1 / t : 0, f = l.rotation, z = l.zorigin; k && (h = s(this.t, "top", null, !1, "0"), g = parsefloat(h) || 0, j = h.substr((g + "").length), l._fffix = !l._fffix, = (l._fffix ? g + 0.05 : g - 0.05) + ("" === j ? "px" : j)); f && (a = math.cos(f), b = math.sin(f), c = n * a, d = s * b, q = n * -b, s *= a, n = c, j = d); (f = l.rotationy) && (a = math.cos(f), b = math.sin(f), c = n * a, d = j * a, e = v * -b, f = p * -b, m = n * b, k = j * b, v *= a, p *= a, n = c, j = d, u = e, x = f); (f = l.rotationx) && (a = math.cos(f), b = math.sin(f), c = q * a + m * b, d = s * a + k * b, e = y * a + v * b, f = n * a + p * b, m = q * -b + m * a, k = s * -b + k * a, v = y * -b + v * a, p = n * -b + p * a, q = c, s = d, y = e, n = f); z && (l -= z, p = m * l, w = k * l, l = v * l + z); p += l.x; w += l.y; l = (1e5 * (l + l.z) >> 0) / 1e5; r[aa] = "matrix3d(" + (1e5 * n >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * j >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * u >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * x >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * q >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * s >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * y >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * n >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * m >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * k >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * v >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * p >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * p >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (1e5 * w >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + l + "," + (t ? 1 + -l / t : 1) + ")" }, ya = function() { var a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g =, j = this.t; k && (a = s(j, "top", null, !1, "0"), b = parsefloat(a) || 0, c = a.substr((b + "").length), g._fffix = !g._fffix, = (g._fffix ? b + 0.05 : b - 0.05) + ("" === c ? "px" : c)); g.rotation || g.skewx ? (d = g.rotation, e = d - g.skewx, f = 1e5 * g.scalex, h = 1e5 * g.scaley,[aa] = "matrix(" + (math.cos(d) * f >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (math.sin(d) * f >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (math.sin(e) * -h >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + (math.cos(e) * h >> 0) / 1e5 + "," + g.x + "," + g.y + ")") :[aa] = "matrix(" + g.scalex + ",0,0," + g.scaley + "," + g.x + "," + g.y + ")" }; t("transform,scale,scalex,scaley,scalez,x,y,z,rotation,rotationx,rotationy,rotationz,skewx,skewy,shortrotation,shortrotationx,shortrotationy,shortrotationz,transformorigin,transformperspective", null, function(a, b, d, e, f, h, g) { if (e._transform) return f; var j, l, r, k, t, n; b = e._transform = la(a, c, !0); var m =, q = ta.length; "string" == typeof g.transform && aa ? (k = m[aa], m[aa] = g.transform, j = la(a, null, !1), m[aa] = k) : "object" == typeof g && (l = null != g.rotation ? g.rotation : null != g.rotationz ? g.rotationz : b.rotation * x, j = { scalex: ba(null != g.scalex ? g.scalex : g.scale, b.scalex), scaley: ba(null != g.scaley ? g.scaley : g.scale, b.scaley), scalez: ba(null != g.scalez ? g.scalez : g.scale, b.scalez), x: ba(g.x, b.x), y: ba(g.y, b.y), z: ba(g.z, b.z), perspective: ba(g.transformperspective, b.perspective) }, j.rotation = null != g.shortrotation || null != g.shortrotationz ? ga(g.shortrotation || g.shortrotationz || 0, b.rotation) : "number" == typeof l ? l * g : $(l, b.rotation), ea && (j.rotationx = null != g.shortrotationx ? ga(g.shortrotationx, b.rotationx) : "number" == typeof g.rotationx ? g.rotationx * g : $(g.rotationx, b.rotationx), j.rotationy = null != g.shortrotationy ? ga(g.shortrotationy, b.rotationy) : "number" == typeof g.rotationy ? g.rotationy * g : $(g.rotationy, b.rotationy), 1e-6 > j.rotationx && -1e-6 < j.rotationx && (j.rotationx = 0), 1e-6 > j.rotationy && -1e-6 < j.rotationy && (j.rotationy = 0)), j.skewx = null == g.skewx ? b.skewx : "number" == typeof g.skewx ? g.skewx * g : $(g.skewx, b.skewx), j.skewy = null == g.skewy ? b.skewy : "number" == typeof g.skewy ? g.skewy * g : $(g.skewy, b.skewy), (r = j.skewy - b.skewy) && (j.skewx += r, j.rotation += r), 1e-6 > j.skewy && -1e-6 < j.skewy && (j.skewy = 0), 1e-6 > j.skewx && -1e-6 < j.skewx && (j.skewx = 0), 1e-6 > j.rotation && -1e-6 < j.rotation && (j.rotation = 0)); for ((l = b.z || b.rotationx || b.rotationy || j.z || j.rotationx || j.rotationy || j.perspective) || null == j.scale || (j.scalez = 1); - 1 < --q;) d = ta[q], t = j[d] - b[d], (1e-6 < t || -1e-6 > t || null != c[d]) && (n = !0, f = new u(b, d, b[d], t, f), f.xs0 = 0, f.plugin = h, e._overwriteprops.push(f.n)); return t = g.transformorigin, (t || ea && l && b.zorigin) && (aa ? (n = !0, t = (t || s(a, d, c, !1, "50% 50%")) + "", d = ua, f = new u(m, d, 0, 0, f, -1, "css_transformorigin"), f.b = m[d], f.plugin = h, ea ? (k = b.zorigin, t = t.split(" "), b.zorigin = (2 < t.length ? parsefloat(t[2]) : k) || 0, f.xs0 = f.e = m[d] = t[0] + " " + (t[1] || "50%") + " 0px", f = new u(b, "zorigin", 0, 0, f, -1, f.n), f.b = k, f.xs0 = f.e = b.zorigin) : f.xs0 = f.e = m[d] = t) : ja(t + "", b)), n && (e._transformtype = l || 3 === this._transformtype ? 3 : 2), f }, !0); t("boxshadow", "0px 0px 0px 0px #999", null, !0, !0); t("borderradius", "0px", function(a, b, e, f, h) { b = this.format(b); var g, j, l, r, k, t, n, m, q, p, j, s, k, w, u = ["bordertopleftradius", "bordertoprightradius", "borderbottomrightradius", "borderbottomleftradius"], v =; f = parsefloat(a.offsetwidth); m = parsefloat(a.offsetheight); b = b.split(" "); for (g = 0; u.length > g; g++) this.p.indexof("border") && (u[g] = v(u[g])), r = l = s(a, u[g], c, !1, "0px"), -1 !== r.indexof(" ") && (l = r.split(" "), r = l[0], l = l[1]), k = j = b[g], t = parsefloat(r), p = r.substr((t + "").length), (j = "=" === k.charat(1)) ? (n = parseint(k.charat(0) + "1", 10), k = k.substr(2), n *= parsefloat(k), q = k.substr((n + "").length - (0 > n ? 1 : 0)) || "") : (n = parsefloat(k), q = k.substr((n + "").length)), "" === q && (q = d[e] || p), q !== p && (s = y(a, "borderleft", t, p), k = y(a, "bordertop", t, p), "%" === q ? (r = 100 * (s / f) + "%", l = 100 * (k / m) + "%") : "em" === q ? (w = y(a, "borderleft", 1, "em"), r = s / w + "em", l = k / w + "em") : (r = s + "px", l = k + "px"), j && (k = parsefloat(r) + n + q, j = parsefloat(l) + n + q)), h = oa(v, u[g], r + " " + l, k + " " + j, !1, "0px", h); return h }, !0, !1, ra("0px 0px 0px 0px", !1, !0)); t("backgroundposition", "0 0", function(a, b, d, e, f, h) { var g, j, r; d = c || da(a, null); d = this.format((d ? l ? d.getpropertyvalue("background-position-x") + " " + d.getpropertyvalue("background-position-y") : d.getpropertyvalue("background-position") : a.currentstyle.backgroundpositionx + " " + a.currentstyle.backgroundpositiony) || "0 0"); var k = this.format(b); if (-1 !== d.indexof("%") != (-1 !== k.indexof("%"))) { b = d.split(" "); e = k.split(" "); m.setattribute("src", s(a, "backgroundimage").replace(r, "")); for (g = 2; - 1 < --g;) d = b[g], j = -1 !== d.indexof("%"), j !== (-1 !== e[g].indexof("%")) && (r = 0 === g ? a.offsetwidth - m.width : a.offsetheight - m.height, b[g] = j ? parsefloat(d) / 100 * r + "px" : 100 * (parsefloat(d) / r) + "%"); d = b.join(" ") } return this.parsecomplex(, d, k, f, h) }, !1, !1, ja); t("backgroundsize", "0 0", null, !1, !1, ja); t("perspective", "0px", null, !0); t("perspectiveorigin", "50% 50%", null, !0); t("transformstyle", "preserve-3d", null, !0); t("backfacevisibility", "visible", null, !0); t("margin", null, t("margintop,marginright,marginbottom,marginleft")); t("padding", null, t("paddingtop,paddingright,paddingbottom,paddingleft")); t("clip", "rect(0px,0px,0px,0px)"); t("textshadow", "0px 0px 0px #999", null, !1, !0); t("autoround", null, function(a, b, c, d, e) { return e }); t("border", "0px solid #000", function(a, b, d, e, f, h) { return this.parsecomplex(, this.format(s(a, "bordertopwidth", c, !1, "0px") + " " + s(a, "bordertopstyle", c, !1, "solid") + " " + s(a, "bordertopcolor", c, !1, "#000")), this.format(b), f, h) }, !1, !0, function(a) { var b = a.split(" "); return b[0] + " " + (b[1] || "solid") + " " + (a.match(ha) || ["#000"])[0] }); var za = function(a) { var b, c = this.t, d = c.filter; a = this.s + this.c * a >> 0; 100 === a && (-1 === d.indexof("atrix(") && -1 === d.indexof("radient(") ? (c.removeattribute("filter"), b = !s(, "filter")) : (c.filter = d.replace(z, ""), b = !0)); b || (this.xn1 && (c.filter = d = d || "alpha(opacity=100)"), -1 === d.indexof("opacity") ? c.filter += " alpha(opacity=" + a + ")" : c.filter = d.replace(w, "opacity=" + a)) }; t("opacity,alpha,autoalpha", "1", function(a, b, d, e, f, h) { var g, j = parsefloat(s(a, "opacity", c, !1, "1")), l =; return b = parsefloat(b), "autoalpha" === d && (g = s(a, "visibility", c), 1 === j && "hidden" === g && 0 !== b && (j = 0), f = new u(l, "visibility", 0, 0, f, -1, null, !1, 0, 0 !== j ? "visible" : "hidden", 0 === b ? "hidden" : "visible"), f.xs0 = "visible", e._overwriteprops.push(f.n)), j ? f = new u(l, "opacity", j, b - j, f) : (f = new u(l, "opacity", 100 * j, 100 * (b - j), f), f.xn1 = "autoalpha" === d ? 1 : 0, l.zoom = 1, f.type = 2, f.b = "alpha(opacity=" + f.s + ")", f.e = "alpha(opacity=" + (f.s + f.c) + ")", = a, f.plugin = h, f.setratio = za), f }); var aa = function(a) { if (1 === a || 0 === a) { this.t.classname = 1 === a ? this.e : this.b; a =; for (var b =, c = b.removeproperty ? "removeproperty" : "removeattribute"; a;) a.v ? b[a.p] = a.v : b[c](a.p.replace(q, "-$1").tolowercase()), a = a._next } else this.t.classname !== this.b && (this.t.classname = this.b) }; t("classname", null, function(a, b, d, e, f, h, g) { var j, l, r = a.classname, k =; return f = e._classnamept = new u(a, d, 0, 0, f, 2), f.setratio = aa, f.b = r, f.e = "=" !== b.charat(1) ? b : "+" === b.charat(0) ? r + " " + b.substr(2) : r.split(b.substr(2)).join(""), e._tween._duration && (l = fa(a, c, !0), a.classname = f.e, j = ia(a, l, fa(a), g), a.classname = r, = j.firstmpt, = k, f = f.xfirst = e.parse(a, j.difs, f, h)), f }); h = ["bezier", "throwprops", "physicsprops", "physics2d"]; for (w = h.length; w--;) r(h[w]); return h = g.prototype, h._firstpt = null, h._oninittween = function(b, f, h) { if (!b.nodetype) return !1; this._target = b; this._tween = h; this._vars = f; j = f.autoround; a = !1; d = f.suffixmap || g.suffixmap; c = da(b, ""); e = this._overwriteprops; var l, r, k, t, m =; if (q && "" === m.zindex && (l = s(b, "zindex", c), ("auto" === l || "" === l) && (m.zindex = 0)), "string" == typeof f && (k = m.csstext, l = fa(b, c), m.csstext = k + ";" + f, l = ia(b, l, fa(b)).difs, !j && f.test(f) && (l.opacity = parsefloat(regexp.$1)), f = l, m.csstext = k), this._firstpt = h = this.parse(b, f, null), this._transformtype) { f = 3 === this._transformtype; aa ? n && (q = !0, "" === m.zindex && (r = s(b, "zindex", c), ("auto" === r || "" === r) && (m.zindex = 0)), p && (m.webkitbackfacevisibility = this._vars.webkitbackfacevisibility || (f ? "visible" : "hidden"))) : m.zoom = 1; for (r = h; r && r._next;) r = r._next; l = new u(b, "transform", 0, 0, null, 2); this._linkcssp(l, null, r); l.setratio = f && ea ? xa : aa ? ya : wa; = this._transform || la(b, c, !0); e.pop() } if (a) { for (; h;) { b = h._next; for (r = k; r && >;) r = r._next; (h._prev = r ? r._prev : t) ? h._prev._next = h : k = h; (h._next = r) ? r._prev = h : t = h; h = b } this._firstpt = k } return !0 }, h.parse = function(a, b, e, h) { var g, l, r, k, t, n, m, q, p, j =; for (g in b) { t = b[g]; if (l = f[g]) e = l.parse(a, t, g, this, e, h, b); else if (l = s(a, g, c) + "", q = "string" == typeof t, "color" === g || "fill" === g || "stroke" === g || -1 !== g.indexof("color") || q && !t.indexof("rgb")) q || (t = qa(t), t = (3 < t.length ? "rgba(" : "rgb(") + t.join(",") + ")"), e = oa(j, g, l, t, !0, "transparent", e, 0, h); else if (!q || -1 === t.indexof(" ") && -1 === t.indexof(",")) { n = (r = parsefloat(l)) || 0 === r ? l.substr((r + "").length) : ""; if ("" === l || "auto" === l) if ("width" === g || "height" === g) { r = a; var s = g; n = c; p = parsefloat("width" === s ? r.offsetwidth : r.offsetheight); var s = ma[s], k = s.length; for (n = n || da(r, null); - 1 < --k;) p -= parsefloat(s(r, "padding" + s[k], n, !0)) || 0, p -= parsefloat(s(r, "border" + s[k] + "width", n, !0)) || 0; r = p; n = "px" } else r = "opacity" !== g ? 0 : 1, n = ""; (p = q && "=" === t.charat(1)) ? (k = parseint(t.charat(0) + "1", 10), t = t.substr(2), k *= parsefloat(t), m = t.substr((k + "").length - (0 > k ? 1 : 0)) || "") : (k = parsefloat(t), m = q ? t.substr((k + "").length) || "" : ""); "" === m && (m = d[g] || n); t = k || 0 === k ? (p ? k + r : k) + m : b[g]; n !== m && "" !== m && (k || 0 === k) && (r || 0 === r) && (r = y(a, g, r, n), "%" === m ? (r /= y(a, g, 100, "%") / 100, 100 < r && (r = 100)) : "em" === m ? r /= y(a, g, 1, "em") : (k = y(a, g, k, m), m = "px"), p && (k || 0 === k) && (t = k + r + m)); p && (k += r); !r && 0 !== r || !k && 0 !== k ? t || "nan" != t + "" && null != t ? (e = new u(j, g, k || r || 0, 0, e, -1, "css_" + g, !1, 0, l, t), e.xs0 = "display" === g && "none" === t ? l : t) : window.console && console.log("invalid " + g + " tween value. ") : (e = new u(j, g, r, k - r, e, 0, "css_" + g, !1 !== j && ("px" === m || "zindex" === g), 0, l, t), e.xs0 = m) } else e = oa(j, g, l, t, !0, null, e, 0, h); h && e && !e.plugin && (e.plugin = h) } return e }, h.setratio = function(a) { var b, c, d, e = this._firstpt; if (1 !== a || this._tween._time !== this._tween._duration && 0 !== this._tween._time) if (a || this._tween._time !== this._tween._duration && 0 !== this._tween._time || -1e-6 === this._tween._rawprevtime) for (; e;) { if (b = e.c * a + e.s, e.r ? b = 0 < b ? b + 0.5 >> 0 : b - 0.5 >> 0 : 1e-6 > b && -1e-6 < b && (b = 0), e.type) if (1 === e.type) if (d = e.l, 2 === d) e.t[e.p] = e.xs0 + b + e.xs1 + e.xn1 + e.xs2; else if (3 === d) e.t[e.p] = e.xs0 + b + e.xs1 + e.xn1 + e.xs2 + e.xn2 + e.xs3; else if (4 === d) e.t[e.p] = e.xs0 + b + e.xs1 + e.xn1 + e.xs2 + e.xn2 + e.xs3 + e.xn3 + e.xs4; else if (5 === d) e.t[e.p] = e.xs0 + b + e.xs1 + e.xn1 + e.xs2 + e.xn2 + e.xs3 + e.xn3 + e.xs4 + e.xn4 + e.xs5; else { c = e.xs0 + b + e.xs1; for (d = 1; e.l > d; d++) c += e["xn" + d] + e["xs" + (d + 1)]; e.t[e.p] = c } else - 1 === e.type ? e.t[e.p] = e.xs0 : e.setratio && e.setratio(a); else e.t[e.p] = b + e.xs0; e = e._next } else for (; e;) 2 !== e.type ? e.t[e.p] = e.b : e.setratio(a), e = e._next; else for (; e;) 2 !== e.type ? e.t[e.p] = e.e : e.setratio(a), e = e._next }, h._enabletransforms = function(a) { this._transformtype = a || 3 === this._transformtype ? 3 : 2 }, h._linkcssp = function(a, b, c, d) { return a && (b && (b._prev = a), a._next && (a._next._prev = a._prev), c ? c._next = a : d || null !== this._firstpt || (this._firstpt = a), a._prev ? a._prev._next = a._next : this._firstpt === a && (this._firstpt = a._next), a._next = b, a._prev = c), a }, h._kill = function(a) { var c, d, e, f = a, h = !1; if (a.css_autoalpha || a.css_alpha) { f = {}; for (d in a) f[d] = a[d]; f.css_opacity = 1; f.css_autoalpha && (f.css_visibility = 1) } return a.css_classname && (c = this._classnamept) && (e = c.xfirst, e && e._prev ? this._linkcssp(e._prev, c._next, e._prev._prev) : e === this._firstpt && (this._firstpt = null), c._next && this._linkcssp(c._next, c._next._next, e._prev), this._target._gsoverwrittenclassnamept = this._linkcssp(c, this._target._gsoverwrittenclassnamept), this._classnamept = null, h = !0),, f) || h }, b.activate([g]), g }, !0); _gsdefine("plugins.roundpropsplugin", ["plugins.tweenplugin"], function(b) { var a = function() {, "roundprops", -1); this._overwriteprops.length = 0 }, d = a.prototype = new b("roundprops", -1); return d.constructor = a, a.api = 2, d._oninittween = function(a, b, d) { return this._tween = d, !0 }, d._oninitallprops = function() { for (var a, b, d, f = this._tween, h = f.vars.roundprops instanceof array ? f.vars.roundprops : f.vars.roundprops.split(","), j = h.length, q = {}, n = f._proplookup.roundprops; - 1 < --j;) q[h[j]] = 1; for (j = h.length; - 1 < --j;) { a = h[j]; for (b = f._firstpt; b;) d = b._next, ? b.t._roundprops(q, !0) : b.n === a && (this._add(b.t, a, b.s, b.c), d && (d._prev = b._prev), b._prev ? b._prev._next = d : f._firstpt === b && (f._firstpt = d), b._next = b._prev = null, f._proplookup[a] = n), b = d } return !1 }, d._add = function(a, b, d, f) { this._addtween(a, b, d, d + f, b, !0); this._overwriteprops.push(b) }, b.activate([a]), a }, !0); _gsdefine("easing.back", ["easing.ease"], function(b) { var a, d, c = window, e = 2 * math.pi, g = math.pi / 2, f =, h = function(a, c) { var d = f("easing." + a, function() {}, !0), e = d.prototype = new b; return e.constructor = d, e.getratio = c, d }, j = b.register || function() {}, q = function(a, b, c, d) { b = f("easing." + a, { easeout: new b, easein: new c, easeinout: new d }, !0); return j(b, a), b }, n = function(a, c) { var d = f("easing." + a, function(a) { this._p1 = a || 0 === a ? a : 1.70158; this._p2 = 1.525 * this._p1 }, !0), e = d.prototype = new b; return e.constructor = d, e.getratio = c, e.config = function(a) { return new d(a) }, d }, n = q("back", n("backout", function(a) { return (a -= 1) * a * ((this._p1 + 1) * a + this._p1) + 1 }), n("backin", function(a) { return a * a * ((this._p1 + 1) * a - this._p1) }), n("backinout", function(a) { return 1 > (a *= 2) ? 0.5 * a * a * ((this._p2 + 1) * a - this._p2) : 0.5 * ((a -= 2) * a * ((this._p2 + 1) * a + this._p2) + 2) })), k = f("easing.slowmo", function(a, b, c) { null == a ? a = 0.7 : 1 < a && (a = 1); this._p = 1 !== a ? b || 0 === b ? b : 0.7 : 0; this._p1 = (1 - a) / 2; this._p2 = a; this._p3 = this._p1 + this._p2; this._calcend = !0 === c }, !0), p = k.prototype = new b; return p.constructor = k, p.getratio = function(a) { var b = a + (0.5 - a) * this._p; return this._p1 > a ? this._calcend ? 1 - (a = 1 - a / this._p1) * a : b - (a = 1 - a / this._p1) * a * a * a * b : a > this._p3 ? this._calcend ? 1 - (a = (a - this._p3) / this._p1) * a : b + (a - b) * (a = (a - this._p3) / this._p1) * a * a * a : this._calcend ? 1 : b }, k.ease = new k(0.7, 0.7), p.config = k.config = function(a, b, c) { return new k(a, b, c) }, a = f("easing.steppedease", function(a) { a = a || 1; this._p1 = 1 / a; this._p2 = a + 1 }, !0), p = a.prototype = new b, p.constructor = a, p.getratio = function(a) { return 0 > a ? a = 0 : 1 <= a && (a = 0.999999999), (this._p2 * a >> 0) * this._p1 }, p.config = a.config = function(b) { return new a(b) }, q("bounce", h("bounceout", function(a) { return 1 / 2.75 > a ? 7.5625 * a * a : 2 / 2.75 > a ? 7.5625 * (a -= 1.5 / 2.75) * a + 0.75 : 2.5 / 2.75 > a ? 7.5625 * (a -= 2.25 / 2.75) * a + 0.9375 : 7.5625 * (a -= 2.625 / 2.75) * a + 0.984375 }), h("bouncein", function(a) { return 1 / 2.75 > (a = 1 - a) ? 1 - 7.5625 * a * a : 2 / 2.75 > a ? 1 - (7.5625 * (a -= 1.5 / 2.75) * a + 0.75) : 2.5 / 2.75 > a ? 1 - (7.5625 * (a -= 2.25 / 2.75) * a + 0.9375) : 1 - (7.5625 * (a -= 2.625 / 2.75) * a + 0.984375) }), h("bounceinout", function(a) { var b = 0.5 > a; return a = b ? 1 - 2 * a : 2 * a - 1, a = 1 / 2.75 > a ? 7.5625 * a * a : 2 / 2.75 > a ? 7.5625 * (a -= 1.5 / 2.75) * a + 0.75 : 2.5 / 2.75 > a ? 7.5625 * (a -= 2.25 / 2.75) * a + 0.9375 : 7.5625 * (a -= 2.625 / 2.75) * a + 0.984375, b ? 0.5 * (1 - a) : 0.5 * a + 0.5 })), q("circ", h("circout", function(a) { return math.sqrt(1 - (a -= 1) * a) }), h("circin", function(a) { return -(math.sqrt(1 - a * a) - 1) }), h("circinout", function(a) { return 1 > (a *= 2) ? -0.5 * (math.sqrt(1 - a * a) - 1) : 0.5 * (math.sqrt(1 - (a -= 2) * a) + 1) })), d = function(a, c, d) { var h = f("easing." + a, function(a, b) { this._p1 = a || 1; this._p2 = b || d; this._p3 = this._p2 / e * (math.asin(1 / this._p1) || 0) }, !0); a = h.prototype = new b; return a.constructor = h, a.getratio = c, a.config = function(a, b) { return new h(a, b) }, h }, q("elastic", d("elasticout", function(a) { return this._p1 * math.pow(2, -10 * a) * math.sin((a - this._p3) * e / this._p2) + 1 }, 0.3), d("elasticin", function(a) { return -(this._p1 * math.pow(2, 10 * (a -= 1)) * math.sin((a - this._p3) * e / this._p2)) }, 0.3), d("elasticinout", function(a) { return 1 > (a *= 2) ? -0.5 * this._p1 * math.pow(2, 10 * (a -= 1)) * math.sin((a - this._p3) * e / this._p2) : 0.5 * this._p1 * math.pow(2, -10 * (a -= 1)) * math.sin((a - this._p3) * e / this._p2) + 1 }, 0.45)), q("expo", h("expoout", function(a) { return 1 - math.pow(2, -10 * a) }), h("expoin", function(a) { return math.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1)) - 0.001 }), h("expoinout", function(a) { return 1 > (a *= 2) ? 0.5 * math.pow(2, 10 * (a - 1)) : 0.5 * (2 - math.pow(2, -10 * (a - 1))) })), q("sine", h("sineout", function(a) { return math.sin(a * g) }), h("sinein", function(a) { return -math.cos(a * g) + 1 }), h("sineinout", function(a) { return -0.5 * (math.cos(math.pi * a) - 1) })), f("easing.easelookup", { find: function(a) { return[a] } }, !0), j(c.slowmo, "slowmo", "ease,"), j(a, "steppedease", "ease,"), n }, !0) }); (function(b) { var a, d, c, e, g = b.greensockglobals || b, f = function(a) { var b = a.split("."), c = g; for (a = 0; b.length > a; a++) c[b[a]] = c = c[b[a]] || {}; return c }, h = f("com.greensock"), j = {}, q = function(a, c, d, e) { = j[a] ? j[a].sc : []; j[a] = this; this.gsclass = null; this.func = d; var h = []; this.check = function(k) { for (var l, n, m = c.length, p = m; - 1 < --m;)(l = j[c[m]] || new q(c[m], [])).gsclass ? (h[m] = l.gsclass, p--) : k &&; if (0 === p && d) { k = ("com.greensock." + a).split("."); l = k.pop(); n = f(k.join("."))[l] = this.gsclass = d.apply(d, h); e && (g[l] = n, "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define((b.greensockamdpath ? b.greensockamdpath + "/" : "") + a.split(".").join("/"), [], function() { return n }) : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = n)); for (m = 0; > m; m++)[m].check() } }; this.check(!0) }, n = b._gsdefine = function(a, b, c, d) { return new q(a, b, c, d) }, k = h._class = function(a, b, c) { return b = b || function() {}, n(a, [], function() { return b }, c), b }, p = [0, 0, 1, 1], l = [], s = k("easing.ease", function(a, b, c, d) { this._func = a; this._type = c || 0; this._power = d || 0; this._params = b ? p.concat(b) : p }, !0), u = = {}, v = s.register = function(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g; b = b.split(","); for (var j = b.length, l = (c || "easein,easeout,easeinout").split(","); - 1 < --j;) { e = b[j]; c = d ? k("easing." + e, null, !0) : h.easing[e] || {}; for (f = l.length; - 1 < --f;) g = l[f], u[e + "." + g] = u[g + e] = c[g] = a.getratio ? a : a[g] || new a } }; c = s.prototype; c._calcend = !1; c.getratio = function(a) { if (this._func) return this._params[0] = a, this._func.apply(null, this._params); var b = this._type, c = this._power, d = 1 === b ? 1 - a : 2 === b ? a : 0.5 > a ? 2 * a : 2 * (1 - a); return 1 === c ? d *= d : 2 === c ? d *= d * d : 3 === c ? d *= d * d * d : 4 === c && (d *= d * d * d * d), 1 === b ? 1 - d : 2 === b ? d : 0.5 > a ? d / 2 : 1 - d / 2 }; a = ["linear", "quad", "cubic", "quart", "quint,strong"]; for (d = a.length; - 1 < --d;) c = a[d] + ",power" + d, v(new s(null, null, 1, d), c, "easeout", !0), v(new s(null, null, 2, d), c, "easein" + (0 === d ? ",easenone" : "")), v(new s(null, null, 3, d), c, "easeinout"); u.linear = h.easing.linear.easein; u.swing = h.easing.quad.easeout; var m = k("events.eventdispatcher", function(a) { this._listeners = {}; this._eventtarget = a || this }); c = m.prototype; c.addeventlistener = function(a, b, c, d, e) { e = e || 0; var f, h = this._listeners[a], g = 0; null == h && (this._listeners[a] = h = []); for (f = h.length; - 1 < --f;) a = h[f], a.c === b ? h.splice(f, 1) : 0 === g && e > && (g = f + 1); h.splice(g, 0, { c: b, s: c, up: d, pr: e }) }; c.removeeventlistener = function(a, b) { var c, d = this._listeners[a]; if (d) for (c = d.length; - 1 < --c;) if (d[c].c === b) return d.splice(c, 1), void 0 }; c.dispatchevent = function(a) { var b = this._listeners[a]; if (b) for (var c, d = b.length, e = this._eventtarget; - 1 < --d;) c = b[d], c.up ? || e, { type: a, target: e }) : || e) }; var y = b.requestanimationframe, w = b.cancelanimationframe, f = || function() { return (new date).gettime() }; a = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"]; for (d = a.length; - 1 < --d && !y;) y = b[a[d] + "requestanimationframe"], w = b[a[d] + "cancelanimationframe"] || b[a[d] + "cancelrequestanimationframe"]; k("ticker", function(a, c) { var d, e, f, h, g, j = this, k = f(), l = !1 !== c && y, n = function() { null != f && (l && w ? w(f) : b.cleartimeout(f), f = null) }, q = function(a) { j.time = (f() - k) / 1e3; (!d || j.time >= g || !0 === a) && (j.frame++, g = j.time > g ? j.time + h - (j.time - g) : j.time + h - 0.001, j.time + 0.001 > g && (g = j.time + 0.001), j.dispatchevent("tick")); !0 !== a && (f = e(q)) };; this.time = this.frame = 0; this.tick = function() { q(!0) }; this.fps = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (d = a, h = 1 / (d || 60), g = this.time + h, e = 0 === d ? function() {} : l && y ? y : function(a) { return b.settimeout(a, 1e3 * (g - j.time) + 1 >> 0 || 1) }, n(), f = e(q), void 0) : d }; this.useraf = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (n(), l = a, j.fps(d), void 0) : l }; j.fps(a); b.settimeout(function() { l && !f && j.useraf(!1) }, 1e3) }); c = h.ticker.prototype = new; c.constructor = h.ticker; var z = k("core.animation", function(a, b) { if (this.vars = b || {}, this._duration = this._totalduration = a || 0, this._delay = number(this.vars.delay) || 0, this._timescale = 1, this._active = !0 === this.vars.immediaterender, =, this._reversed = !0 === this.vars.reversed, x) { e || (q.tick(), e = !0); var c = this.vars.useframes ? g : x; c.insert(this, c._time); this.vars.paused && this.paused(!0) } }), q = z.ticker = new h.ticker; c = z.prototype; c._dirty = c._gc = c._initted = c._paused = !1; c._totaltime = c._time = 0; c._rawprevtime = -1; c._next = c._last = c._onupdate = c._timeline = c.timeline = null; c._paused = !1; = function(a, b) { return arguments.length &&, b), this.reversed(!1), this.paused(!1) }; c.pause = function(a, b) { return arguments.length &&, b), this.paused(!0) }; c.resume = function(a, b) { return arguments.length &&, b), this.paused(!1) }; = function(a, b) { return this.totaltime(number(a), !1 !== b) }; c.restart = function(a, b) { return this.reversed(!1), this.paused(!1), this.totaltime(a ? -this._delay : 0, !1 !== b) }; c.reverse = function(a, b) { return arguments.length && || this.totalduration(), b), this.reversed(!0), this.paused(!1) }; c.render = function() {}; c.invalidate = function() { return this }; c._enabled = function(a, b) { return this._gc = !a, this._active = a && !this._paused && 0 < this._totaltime && this._totaltime < this._totalduration, !0 !== b && (a && null == this.timeline ? this._timeline.insert(this, this._starttime - this._delay) : a || null == this.timeline || this._timeline._remove(this, !0)), !1 }; c._kill = function() { return this._enabled(!1, !1) }; c.kill = function(a, b) { return this._kill(a, b), this }; c._uncache = function(a) { for (a = a ? this : this.timeline; a;) a._dirty = !0, a = a.timeline; return this }; c.eventcallback = function(a, b, c, d) { if (null == a) return null; if ("on" === a.substr(0, 2)) { if (1 === arguments.length) return this.vars[a]; if (null == b) delete this.vars[a]; else if (this.vars[a] = b, this.vars[a + "params"] = c, this.vars[a + "scope"] = d, c) for (var e = c.length; - 1 < --e;)"{self}" === c[e] && (c = this.vars[a + "params"] = c.concat(), c[e] = this); "onupdate" === a && (this._onupdate = b) } return this }; c.delay = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (this._timeline.smoothchildtiming && this.starttime(this._starttime + a - this._delay), this._delay = a, this) : this._delay }; c.duration = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (this._duration = this._totalduration = a, this._uncache(!0), this._timeline.smoothchildtiming && 0 < this._time && this._time < this._duration && 0 !== a && this.totaltime(this._totaltime * (a / this._duration), !0), this) : (this._dirty = !1, this._duration) }; c.totalduration = function(a) { return this._dirty = !1, arguments.length ? this.duration(a) : this._totalduration }; c.time = function(a, b) { return arguments.length ? (this._dirty && this.totalduration(), a > this._duration && (a = this._duration), this.totaltime(a, b)) : this._time }; c.totaltime = function(a, b) { if (!arguments.length) return this._totaltime; if (this._timeline) { if (0 > a && (a += this.totalduration()), this._timeline.smoothchildtiming && (this._dirty && this.totalduration(), a > this._totalduration && (a = this._totalduration), this._starttime = (this._paused ? this._pausetime : this._timeline._time) - (this._reversed ? this._totalduration - a : a) / this._timescale, this._timeline._dirty || this._uncache(!1), !this._timeline._active)) for (var c = this._timeline; c._timeline;) c.totaltime(c._totaltime, !0), c = c._timeline; this._gc && this._enabled(!0, !1); this._totaltime !== a && this.render(a, b, !1) } return this }; c.starttime = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (a !== this._starttime && (this._starttime = a, this.timeline && this.timeline._sortchildren && this.timeline.insert(this, a - this._delay)), this) : this._starttime }; c.timescale = function(a) { if (!arguments.length) return this._timescale; if (a = a || 1e-6, this._timeline && this._timeline.smoothchildtiming) { var b = this._pausetime || 0 === this._pausetime ? this._pausetime : this._timeline._totaltime; this._starttime = b - (b - this._starttime) * this._timescale / a } return this._timescale = a, this._uncache(!1) }; c.reversed = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (a != this._reversed && (this._reversed = a, this.totaltime(this._totaltime, !0)), this) : this._reversed }; c.paused = function(a) { return arguments.length ? (a != this._paused && this._timeline && (!a && this._timeline.smoothchildtiming && (this._starttime += this._timeline.rawtime() - this._pausetime, this._uncache(!1)), this._pausetime = a ? this._timeline.rawtime() : null, this._paused = a, this._active = !this._paused && 0 < this._totaltime && this._totaltime < this._totalduration), this._gc && (a || this._enabled(!0, !1)), this) : this._paused }; a = k("core.simpletimeline", function(a) {, 0, a); this.autoremovechildren = this.smoothchildtiming = !0 }); c = a.prototype = new z; c.constructor = a; c.kill()._gc = !1; c._first = c._last = null; c._sortchildren = !1; c.insert = function(a, b) { a._starttime = number(b || 0) + a._delay; a._paused && this !== a._timeline && (a._pausetime = a._starttime + (this.rawtime() - a._starttime) / a._timescale); a.timeline && a.timeline._remove(a, !0); a.timeline = a._timeline = this; a._gc && a._enabled(!0, !0); var c = this._last; if (this._sortchildren) for (var d = a._starttime; c && c._starttime > d;) c = c._prev; return c ? (a._next = c._next, c._next = a) : (a._next = this._first, this._first = a), a._next ? a._next._prev = a : this._last = a, a._prev = c, this._timeline && this._uncache(!0), this }; c._remove = function(a, b) { return a.timeline === this && (b || a._enabled(!1, !0), a.timeline = null, a._prev ? a._prev._next = a._next : this._first === a && (this._first = a._next), a._next ? a._next._prev = a._prev : this._last === a && (this._last = a._prev), this._timeline && this._uncache(!0)), this }; c.render = function(a, b) { var c, d = this._first; for (this._totaltime = this._time = this._rawprevtime = a; d;) c = d._next, (d._active || a >= d._starttime && !d._paused) && (d._reversed ? d.render((d._dirty ? d.totalduration() : d._totalduration) - (a - d._starttime) * d._timescale, b, !1) : d.render((a - d._starttime) * d._timescale, b, !1)), d = c }; c.rawtime = function() { return this._totaltime }; var d = k("tweenlite", function(a, b, c) { if (, b, c), null == a) throw "cannot tween an undefined reference."; = a; this._overwrite = null == this.vars.overwrite ? i[d.defaultoverwrite] : "number" == typeof this.vars.overwrite ? this.vars.overwrite >> 0 : i[this.vars.overwrite]; if ((a instanceof array || a.jquery) && "object" == typeof a[0]) { this._targets = a.slice(0); this._proplookup = []; this._siblings = []; for (a = 0; this._targets.length > a; a++) c = this._targets[a], c.jquery ? (this._targets.splice(a--, 1), this._targets = this._targets.concat(c.constructor.makearray(c))) : (this._siblings[a] = c(c, this, !1), 1 === this._overwrite && 1 < this._siblings[a].length && b(c, this, null, 1, this._siblings[a])) } else this._proplookup = {}, this._siblings = c(a, this, !1), 1 === this._overwrite && 1 < this._siblings.length && b(a, this, null, 1, this._siblings); (this.vars.immediaterender || 0 === b && 0 === this._delay && !1 !== this.vars.immediaterender) && this.render(-this._delay, !1, !0) }, !0); c = d.prototype = new z; c.constructor = d; c.kill()._gc = !1; c.ratio = 0; c._firstpt = c._targets = c._overwrittenprops = null; c._notifypluginsofenabled = !1; d.version = 1.701; d.defaultease = c._ease = new s(null, null, 1, 1); d.defaultoverwrite = "auto"; d.ticker = q; var r = d._plugins = {}, h = d._tweenlookup = {}, a = 0, e = { ease: 1, delay: 1, overwrite: 1, oncomplete: 1, oncompleteparams: 1, oncompletescope: 1, useframes: 1, runbackwards: 1, startat: 1, onupdate: 1, onupdateparams: 1, onupdatescope: 1, onstart: 1, onstartparams: 1, onstartscope: 1, onreversecomplete: 1, onreversecompleteparams: 1, onreversecompletescope: 1, onrepeat: 1, onrepeatparams: 1, onrepeatscope: 1, easeparams: 1, yoyo: 1, orienttobezier: 1, immediaterender: 1, repeat: 1, repeatdelay: 1, data: 1, paused: 1, reversed: 1 }, i = { none: 0, all: 1, auto: 2, concurrent: 3, allonstart: 4, preexisting: 5, "true": 1, "false": 0 }, g = z._rootframestimeline = new a, x = z._roottimeline = new a; x._starttime = q.time; g._starttime = q.frame; x._active = g._active = !0; z._updateroot = function() { if (x.render((q.time - x._starttime) * x._timescale, !1, !1), g.render((q.frame - g._starttime) * g._timescale, !1, !1), !(q.frame % 120)) { var a, b, c; for (c in h) { b = h[c].tweens; for (a = b.length; - 1 < --a;) b[a]._gc && b.splice(a, 1); 0 === b.length && delete h[c] } } }; q.addeventlistener("tick", z._updateroot); var c = function(a, b, c) { var d, e, f = a._gstweenid; if (h[f || (a._gstweenid = f = "t" + a++)] || (h[f] = { target: a, tweens: [] }), b && (d = h[f].tweens, d[e = d.length] = b, c)) for (; - 1 < --e;) d[e] === b && d.splice(e, 1); return h[f].tweens }, b = function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, h, g; if (1 === d || 4 <= d) { a = e.length; for (f = 0; a > f; f++) if ((g = e[f]) !== b) g._gc || g._enabled(!1, !1) && (h = !0); else if (5 === d) break; return h } var j, k = b._starttime + 1e-10, l = [], n = 0, m = 0 === b._duration; for (f = e.length; - 1 < --f;)(g = e[f]) === b || g._gc || g._paused || (g._timeline !== b._timeline ? (j = j || o(b, 0, m), 0 === o(g, j, m) && (l[n++] = g)) : k >= g._starttime && g._starttime + g.totalduration() / g._timescale + 1e-10 > k && ((m || !g._initted) && 2e-10 >= k - g._starttime || (l[n++] = g))); for (f = n; - 1 < --f;) g = l[f], 2 === d && g._kill(c, a) && (h = !0), (2 !== d || !g._firstpt && g._initted) && g._enabled(!1, !1) && (h = !0); return h }, o = function(a, b, c) { for (var d = a._timeline, e = d._timescale, f = a._starttime; d._timeline;) { if (f += d._starttime, e *= d._timescale, d._paused) return -100; d = d._timeline } return f /= e, f > b ? f - b : c && f === b || !a._initted && 2e-10 > f - b ? 1e-10 : (f += a.totalduration() / a._timescale / e) > b ? 0 : f - b - 1e-10 }; c._init = function() { var a, b, c = this.vars; a = c.ease; if (c.startat && (c.startat.overwrite = 0, c.startat.immediaterender = !0,, 0, c.startat)), this._ease = a ? a instanceof s ? c.easeparams instanceof array ? a.config.apply(a, c.easeparams) : a : "function" == typeof a ? new s(a, c.easeparams) : u[a] || d.defaultease : d.defaultease, this._easetype = this._ease._type, this._easepower = this._ease._power, this._firstpt = null, this._targets) for (a = this._targets.length; - 1 < --a;) this._initprops(this._targets[a], this._proplookup[a] = {}, this._siblings[a], this._overwrittenprops ? this._overwrittenprops[a] : null) && (b = !0); else b = this._initprops(, this._proplookup, this._siblings, this._overwrittenprops); if (b && d._onpluginevent("_oninitallprops", this), this._overwrittenprops && null == this._firstpt && "function" != typeof && this._enabled(!1, !1), c.runbackwards) for (b = this._firstpt; b;) b.s += b.c, b.c = -b.c, b = b._next; this._onupdate = c.onupdate; this._initted = !0 }; c._initprops = function(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, h, g, j, k; if (null == a) return !1; for (e in this.vars) { if (e[e]) { if (("onstartparams" === e || "onupdateparams" === e || "oncompleteparams" === e || "onreversecompleteparams" === e || "onrepeatparams" === e) && (j = this.vars[e])) for (f = j.length; - 1 < --f;)"{self}" === j[f] && (j = this.vars[e] = j.concat(), j[f] = this) } else if (r[e] && (g = new r[e])._oninittween(a, this.vars[e], this)) { this._firstpt = k = { _next: this._firstpt, t: g, p: "setratio", s: 0, c: 1, f: !0, n: e, pg: !0, pr: g._priority }; for (f = g._overwriteprops.length; - 1 < --f;) b[g._overwriteprops[f]] = this._firstpt; (g._priority || g._oninitallprops) && (h = !0); (g._ondisable || g._onenable) && (this._notifypluginsofenabled = !0) } else this._firstpt = b[e] = k = { _next: this._firstpt, t: a, p: e, f: "function" == typeof a[e], n: e, pg: !1, pr: 0 }, k.s = k.f ? a[e.indexof("set") || "function" != typeof a["get" + e.substr(3)] ? e : "get" + e.substr(3)]() : parsefloat(a[e]), f = this.vars[e], k.c = "string" == typeof f && "=" === f.charat(1) ? parseint(f.charat(0) + "1", 10) * number(f.substr(2)) : number(f) - k.s || 0; k && k._next && (k._next._prev = k) } return d && this._kill(d, a) ? this._initprops(a, b, c, d) : 1 < this._overwrite && this._firstpt && 1 < c.length && b(a, this, b, this._overwrite, c) ? (this._kill(b, a), this._initprops(a, b, c, d)) : h }; c.render = function(a, b, c) { var d, e, f = this._time; if (a >= this._duration) this._totaltime = this._time = this._duration, this.ratio = this._ease._calcend ? this._ease.getratio(1) : 1, this._reversed || (d = !0, e = "oncomplete"), 0 === this._duration && ((0 === a || 0 > this._rawprevtime) && this._rawprevtime !== a && (c = !0), this._rawprevtime = a); else if (0 >= a) this._totaltime = this._time = 0, this.ratio = this._ease._calcend ? this._ease.getratio(0) : 0, (0 !== f || 0 === this._duration && 0 < this._rawprevtime) && (e = "onreversecomplete", d = this._reversed), 0 > a ? (this._active = !1, 0 === this._duration && (0 <= this._rawprevtime && (c = !0), this._rawprevtime = a)) : this._initted || (c = !0); else if (this._totaltime = this._time = a, this._easetype) { var h = a / this._duration, g = this._easetype, j = this._easepower; (1 === g || 3 === g && 0.5 <= h) && (h = 1 - h); 3 === g && (h *= 2); 1 === j ? h *= h : 2 === j ? h *= h * h : 3 === j ? h *= h * h * h : 4 === j && (h *= h * h * h * h); this.ratio = 1 === g ? 1 - h : 2 === g ? h : 0.5 > a / this._duration ? h / 2 : 1 - h / 2 } else this.ratio = this._ease.getratio(a / this._duration); if (this._time !== f || c) { this._initted || (this._init(), !d && this._time && (this.ratio = this._ease.getratio(this._time / this._duration))); this._active || this._paused || (this._active = !0); 0 === f && this.vars.onstart && (0 !== this._time || 0 === this._duration) && (b || this.vars.onstart.apply(this.vars.onstartscope || this, this.vars.onstartparams || l)); for (a = this._firstpt; a;) a.f ? a.t[a.p](a.c * this.ratio + a.s) : a.t[a.p] = a.c * this.ratio + a.s, a = a._next; this._onupdate && (b || this._onupdate.apply(this.vars.onupdatescope || this, this.vars.onupdateparams || l)); e && (this._gc || (d && (this._timeline.autoremovechildren && this._enabled(!1, !1), this._active = !1), b || this.vars[e] && this.vars[e].apply(this.vars[e + "scope"] || this, this.vars[e + "params"] || l))) } }; c._kill = function(a, b) { if ("all" === a && (a = null), null == a && (null == b || b === return this._enabled(!1, !1); b = b || this._targets ||; var c, d, e, f, h, g, j; if ((b instanceof array || b.jquery) && "object" == typeof b[0]) for (c = b.length; - 1 < --c;) this._kill(a, b[c]) && (g = !0); else { if (this._targets) for (c = this._targets.length; - 1 < --c;) { if (b === this._targets[c]) { h = this._proplookup[c] || {}; this._overwrittenprops = this._overwrittenprops || []; d = this._overwrittenprops[c] = a ? this._overwrittenprops[c] || {} : "all"; break } } else { if (b !== return !1; h = this._proplookup; d = this._overwrittenprops = a ? this._overwrittenprops || {} : "all" } if (h) for (e in c = a || h, j = a !== d && "all" !== d && a !== h && (null == a || !0 !== a._tempkill), c)(f = h[e]) && ( && f.t._kill(c) && (g = !0), && 0 !== f.t._overwriteprops.length || (f._prev ? f._prev._next = f._next : f === this._firstpt && (this._firstpt = f._next), f._next && (f._next._prev = f._prev), f._next = f._prev = null), delete h[e]), j && (d[e] = 1) } return g }; c.invalidate = function() { return this._notifypluginsofenabled && d._onpluginevent("_ondisable", this), this._firstpt = null, this._overwrittenprops = null, this._onupdate = null, this._initted = this._active = this._notifypluginsofenabled = !1, this._proplookup = this._targets ? {} : [], this }; c._enabled = function(a, b) { if (a && this._gc) if (this._targets) for (var c = this._targets.length; - 1 < --c;) this._siblings[c] = c(this._targets[c], this, !0); else this._siblings = c(, this, !0); return, a, b), this._notifypluginsofenabled && this._firstpt ? d._onpluginevent(a ? "_onenable" : "_ondisable", this) : !1 }; = function(a, b, c) { return new d(a, b, c) }; d.from = function(a, b, c) { return c.runbackwards = !0, !1 !== c.immediaterender && (c.immediaterender = !0), new d(a, b, c) }; d.fromto = function(a, b, c, d) { return d.startat = c, c.immediaterender && (d.immediaterender = !0), new d(a, b, d) }; d.delayedcall = function(a, b, c, d, e) { return new d(b, 0, { delay: a, oncomplete: b, oncompleteparams: c, oncompletescope: d, onreversecomplete: b, onreversecompleteparams: c, onreversecompletescope: d, immediaterender: !1, useframes: e, overwrite: 0 }) }; d.set = function(a, b) { return new d(a, 0, b) }; d.killtweensof = d.killdelayedcallsto = function(a, b) { for (var c = d.gettweensof(a), d = c.length; - 1 < --d;) c[d]._kill(b, a) }; d.gettweensof = function(a) { if (null != a) { var b, c, d; if ((a instanceof array || a.jquery) && "object" == typeof a[0]) { b = a.length; for (c = []; - 1 < --b;) c = c.concat(d.gettweensof(a[b])); for (b = c.length; - 1 < --b;) { d = c[b]; for (a = b; - 1 < --a;) d === c[a] && c.splice(b, 1) } } else { c = c(a).concat(); for (b = c.length; - 1 < --b;) c[b]._gc && c.splice(b, 1) } return c } }; var m = k("plugins.tweenplugin", function(a, b) { this._overwriteprops = (a || "").split(","); this._propname = this._overwriteprops[0]; this._priority = b || 0 }, !0); if (c = m.prototype, m.version = 12, m.api = 2, c._firstpt = null, c._addtween = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var h, g; null != d && (h = "number" == typeof d || "=" !== d.charat(1) ? number(d) - c : parseint(d.charat(0) + "1", 10) * number(d.substr(2))) && (this._firstpt = g = { _next: this._firstpt, t: a, p: b, s: c, c: h, f: "function" == typeof a[b], n: e || b, r: f }, g._next && (g._next._prev = g)) }, c.setratio = function(a) { for (var b, c = this._firstpt; c;) b = c.c * a + c.s, c.r && (b = b + (0 < b ? 0.5 : -0.5) >> 0), c.f ? c.t[c.p](b) : c.t[c.p] = b, c = c._next }, c._kill = function(a) { if (null != a[this._propname]) this._overwriteprops = []; else for (var b = this._overwriteprops.length; - 1 < --b;) null != a[this._overwriteprops[b]] && this._overwriteprops.splice(b, 1); for (b = this._firstpt; b;) null != a[b.n] && (b._next && (b._next._prev = b._prev), b._prev ? (b._prev._next = b._next, b._prev = null) : this._firstpt === b && (this._firstpt = b._next)), b = b._next; return !1 }, c._roundprops = function(a, b) { for (var c = this._firstpt; c;)(a[this._propname] || null != c.n && a[c.n.split(this._propname + "_").join("")]) && (c.r = b), c = c._next }, d._onpluginevent = function(a, b) { var c, d = b._firstpt; if ("_oninitallprops" === a) { for (var e, f, h, g; d;) { g = d._next; for (e = f; e && >;) e = e._next; (d._prev = e ? e._prev : h) ? d._prev._next = d : f = d; (d._next = e) ? e._prev = d : h = d; d = g } d = b._firstpt = f } for (; d;) && "function" == typeof d.t[a] && d.t[a]() && (c = !0), d = d._next; return c }, m.activate = function(a) { for (var b = a.length; - 1 < --b;) a[b].api === m.api && (d._plugins[(new a[b])._propname] = a[b]); return !0 }, a = b._gsqueue) { for (d = 0; a.length > d; d++) a[d](); for (c in j) j[c].func || b.console.log("warning: tweenlite encountered missing dependency: com.greensock." + c) } })(window); (function() { function b(a) { switch (a.nodename.tolowercase()) { case "label": case "video": return !0; default: return /\bneedsclick\b/.test(a.classname) } } function a(a) { switch (a.nodename.tolowercase()) { case "textarea": case "select": return !0; case "input": switch (a.type) { case "button": case "checkbox": case "file": case "image": case "radio": case "submit": return !1; default: return !0 } default: return /\bneedsfocus\b/.test(a.classname) } } function d(a, b) { g && window.devicepixelratio && (a *= window.devicepixelratio, b *= window.devicepixelratio); return document.elementfrompoint(a, b) } function c(c) { var g, q = 0, n = 0, k = 0, p = 0, l = !1, s = math.pow(37, 2), u = function(a) { l = !0; q = a.targettouches[0].pagex; n = a.targettouches[0].pagey; q === a.targettouches[0].clientx && (q += window.pagexoffset); n === a.targettouches[0].clienty && (n += window.pageyoffset); k = window.pagexoffset; p = window.pageyoffset; return !0 }, v = function(a) { if (!l) return !0; math.pow(a.targettouches[0].pagex - q, 2) + math.pow(a.targettouches[0].pagey - n, 2) > s && (l = !1); if (math.abs(window.pagexoffset - k) > f || math.abs(window.pageyoffset - p) > f) l = !1; return !0 }, m = function(c) { var f, h, g, j; if (!l) return !0; l = !1; f = q - k; h = n - p; g = d(f, h); if (!g) return !1; g.nodetype === node.text_node && (g = g.parentelement); if ("label" === g.nodename.tolowercase() && g.htmlfor) { if (j = document.getelementbyid(g.htmlfor)) { g.focus(); if (e) return !1; g = j } } else if (a(g)) return g.focus(), !1; if (b(g)) return !1; j = document.createevent("mouseevents"); j.initmouseevent("click", !0, !0, window, 1, 0, 0, f, h, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null); j.forwardedtouchevent = !0; g.dispatchevent(j); c.preventdefault(); return !1 }, y = function() { l = !1 }, w = function(a) { var c; if (a.forwardedtouchevent || !a.cancelable) return !0; c = d(q - k, n - p); return !c || !b(c) ? (a.stopimmediatepropagation && a.stopimmediatepropagation(), a.stoppropagation(), a.preventdefault(), !1) : !0 }; if (!c || !c.nodetype) throw new typeerror("layer must be a document node"); "undefined" !== typeof window.ontouchstart && (c.addeventlistener("click", w, !0), c.addeventlistener("touchstart", u, !0), c.addeventlistener("touchmove", v, !0), c.addeventlistener("touchend", m, !0), c.addeventlistener("touchcancel", y, !0), "function" === typeof c.onclick && (g = c.onclick, c.addeventlistener("click", function(a) { g(a) }, !1), c.onclick = null)) } var e = 0 < navigator.useragent.indexof("android"), g = e && /chrome|crmo/.test(navigator.useragent), f = e || -1 === navigator.useragent.indexof("playbook") ? 5 : 20; "function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() { return c }) : window.fastclick = c })(); var stats = function() {}; canvasrenderingcontext2d.prototype.clear = canvasrenderingcontext2d.prototype.clear || function(b) { b && (, this.settransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)); this.clearrect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); b && this.restore() }; function brushdraw(b, a, d) { function c() { b.removeeventlistener(event.load, c, !1); $ = 0.5 * b.width; ga = 0.5 * b.height; var a; a = b.width; var b = b.height; if ("number" == typeof a) a = math.sqrt(math.pow(b.width, 2) + math.pow(b.height, 2)); else if ("object" == typeof a) { var d = b.y - a.y; a = math.sqrt(math.pow(b.x - a.x, 2) + math.pow(d, 2)) } else a = void 0; w = document.createelement("canvas"); w.setattribute("width", a); w.setattribute("height", a); f = w.getcontext("2d"); z.setattribute("width", m.width); z.setattribute("height", m.height); q = z.getcontext("2d"); z = f(m); e() } function e() { y.clearrect(0, 0, y.canvas.width, y.canvas.height); y.globalalpha = e.alpha; y.drawimage(z, 0, 0) } function g() { e.alpha = 1; y.globalalpha = e.alpha; y.clearrect(0, 0, y.canvas.width, y.canvas.height); q.clearrect(0, 0, q.canvas.width, q.canvas.height); o = !1 } function f(a) { var b = 0, c = 0, b = parseint(a.offsetleft), c = parseint(a.offsettop); for (a = a.offsetparent; null != a;) b += parseint(a.offsetleft), c += parseint(a.offsettop), a = a.offsetparent; return { x: b, y: c } } function h(a) { i && (c = assets.prevent_drag = !0, a.preventdefault(), a.stoppropagation(), z = f(m), r = a.changedtouches[0].pagex - z.x, t = a.changedtouches[0].pagey, v = 0); k() } function j() { c = !1; assets.prevent_drag = !1; l(); k() } function q(a) { i && (c = assets.prevent_drag = !0, a.preventdefault(), a.stoppropagation(), z = f(m), r = a.pagex - z.x, t = a.pagey-jquery("#ind2_canvas").offset().top, v = 0); k() } function n() { c = !1; assets.prevent_drag = !1; l(); //k() } function k() { // d && (d.instructions && "hidden" !== &&, 0.2, { // css: { // autoalpha: 0 // }, // ease: quad.easeinout, // overwrite: "all" // }) } function p(a) { if (c && i) { a.preventdefault(); a.stoppropagation(); o = !0; var b, c = f(m); x ? (b = a.changedtouches[0].pagex, a = a.changedtouches[0].pagey-jquery("#ind2_canvas").offset().top) : (b = a.pagex, a = a.pagey-jquery("#ind2_canvas").offset().top); // a=a; b -= c.x; l = b - r; n = a - t; p = math.sqrt(l * l + n * n); x = 0 != p ? math.pi / 2 + math.atan2(n, l) : 0; da = math.min(1, d * p); v += 0.2 * (da - v); ja = s + v * (ma - s); ka = fa + v * (na - fa); ba = ia + v * (y - ia); //j = "#" + (ja << 16 | ka << 8 | ba).tostring(16); j=jquery("ul.ind2_tab").attr("draw-color"); ca = s - p / u; 0.3 > ca && (ca = 0.3); k = a + h * (ca - a); f.fillstyle = j; f.fillrect(0, 0, w.width, w.height);; f.translate($, ga); f.rotate(x); f.globalcompositeoperation = "destination-atop"; null !== b && f.drawimage(b, -$, -ga); f.restore(); var c = r, d = t, h = b, g = a, j = parseint(p), h = math.atan2(h - c, g - d), k; q.globalalpha = 0.1; for (var l = 0; l <= j || 0 == l; l++){ g = c + math.sin(h) * l - 2 * $; k = d + math.cos(h) * l - 2 * ga; q.drawimage(w, g, k, k, k); /*drawimage*/ }; e(); a = k; r = b; t = a } } function l() { a.changeimage(r, 0.8); assets.is_desktop && browserdetect.translate3d_support && i /*&&, 0.8, { delay: 0, css: { backgroundcolor: m }, ease: quad.easeinout, overwrite: "all" });*/ i = !1; v.reset(0.5) } var s = 100, u = 2, v = this, m = b, y = m.getcontext("2d"), w = document.createelement("canvas"), f = m.getcontext("2d"), z = document.createelement("canvas"), q = m.getcontext("2d"), d = 0.05, r = 0, h = 0.3, a = 10, e = { alpha: 1 }, i = !1, g = !1, x = !1, c = !1, b, o = !1, m, r, t, j, k, x, l, n, p, ca, v = 0, da, s, fa, ia, ma, na, y, ja, ka, ba, $, ga, z; v.init = function() { if (!g) { g = !0; var a = assetloader.getasset("brush1.png").src; b = new image; b.src = a; b.addeventlistener(event.load, c, !1) } }; v.changecolor = function(a, b) { if (b !== r) { i = !0; m = a; d.bgcolor = m; r = b; // var c; // c = (c = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(a)) ? { // r: parseint(c[1], 16), // g: parseint(c[2], 16), // b: parseint(c[3], 16) // } : null; // s = c.r; // fa = c.g; // ia = c.b; // ma = 255 < c.r + 40 ? 255 : c.r + 20; // na = 255 < c.g + 40 ? 255 : c.g + 20; // y = 255 < c.b + 40 ? 255 : c.b + 20 } }; v.resetdrawnlength = function() {}; v.reset = function(a) {, a, { alpha: 0, onupdate: e, oncomplete: g }) }; v.hasdrawing = function() { return o }; v.addevents = function() { || browserdetect.tablet ? (x = !0, m.addeventlistener(touchevent.touch_start, h, !1), m.addeventlistener(touchevent.touch_end, j, !1), m.addeventlistener(touchevent.touch_move, p, !1)) : (x = !1, m.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, q, !1), m.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, n, !1), m.addeventlistener("mouseleave", n, !1), m.addeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_move, p, !1)) }; v.removeevents = function() { x = !1; assets.prevent_drag = !1; || browserdetect.tablet ? (m.removeeventlistener(touchevent.touch_start, h, !1), m.removeeventlistener(touchevent.touch_end, j, !1), m.removeeventlistener(touchevent.touch_move, p, !1)) : (m.removeeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_down, q, !1), m.removeeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_up, n, !1), m.removeeventlistener("mouseleave", n, !1), m.removeeventlistener(mouseevent.mouse_move, p, !1)) }; return v } var css = {}; css.transform = getvendorprefix(["transform", "mstransform", "moztransform", "webkittransform", "otransform"]); css.transformstyle = getvendorprefix(["transformstyle", "mstransformstyle", "moztransformstyle", "webkittransformstyle", "otransformstyle"]); css.transition = getvendorprefix(["transition", "mstransition", "moztransition", "webkittransition", "otransition"]); css.animation = getvendorprefix(["animation", "msanimation", "mozanimation", "webkitanimation", "oanimation"]); css.grid = getvendorprefix(["gridrow", "msgridrow", "mozgridrow", "webkitgridrow", "ogridrow"]); css.hyphens = getvendorprefix(["hyphens", "mshyphens", "mozhyphens", "webkithyphens", "ohyphens"]); css.column = getvendorprefix(["columncount", "mscolumncount", "mozcolumncount", "webkitcolumncount", "ocolumncount"]); css.shadow = getvendorprefix(["webkitboxshadow", "mozboxshadow", "boxshadow"]); css.radius = getvendorprefix(["webkitborderradius", "mozborderradius", "borderradius"]); css.boxsizing = getvendorprefix(["webkitboxsizing", "mozboxsizing", "msboxsizing", "oboxsizing", "boxsizing"]); function getvendorprefix(b) { for (var a = document.createelement("div"), d = null, c = 0; c < b.length; ++c)"undefined" != typeof[b[c]] && (d = b[c]); return d } css.translate = function(b, a, d, c, e, g) { b = "undefined" == typeof b ? 0 : b; a = "undefined" == typeof a ? 0 : a; c = " rotate(" + ("undefined" == typeof c ? 0 : c) + "deg) scale(" + ("undefined" == typeof e ? 1 : e) + ")"; return c = browserdetect.translate3d_support ? "translate3d(" + b + "px," + a + "px, " + ("undefined" == typeof d ? 0 : d) + "px)" + c + " rotatey(" + ("undefined" == typeof g ? 0 : g) + ")" : "translate(" + b + "px," + a + "px)" + c }; var assets = { layer_top: null, layer_mid: null, layer_bot: null, // data_static: null, data_pages: null, load_cover: 0, prevent_drag: !1, dragger: null, document_title: "", first_run: !0 }; assets.is_phone = "iphone" == browserdetect.os ||; assets.is_tablet = "ipad" == browserdetect.os || browserdetect.tablet || assets.is_phone; assets.is_desktop = !assets.is_tablet && !assets.is_phone; assets.is_3d_enabled = browserdetect.translate3d_support; assets.pixel_ratio = window.devicepixelratio ? window.devicepixelratio : 1; assets.is_ipad1_or_ipad2 = !assets.is_desktop && 2 > assets.pixel_ratio; assets.is_chrome_ios = navigator.useragent.match("crios") ? !0 : !1; assets.section_width = 1024; assets.section_height = 672; assets.transition_offset_out = assets.is_desktop ? window.innerwidth : 1224; assets.transition_offset_in = assets.is_desktop ? -window.innerwidth : -1224; assets.raf_animtion_speed = 0.25; assets.tooltips_and_hotspots = []; assets.articles_data_paths = null; assets.sloret_loaded = !1; assets.epoken_loaded = !1; assets.nydelsen_loaded = !1; assets.hjertet_loaded = !1; assets.naturen_loaded = !1; assets.bla_loaded = !1; assets.helene_loaded = !1; assets.marie_loaded = !1; assets.global_nav_assets = ""; assets.sloret_assets = "brush1.png brush1.png".split(" "); assets.shared_assets = "brush1.png"; assets.static_assets_path = "./public/home/images/"; (function() { this.disableselection = function(b) { "undefined" != typeof && ( = "-moz-none") }; this.gethtml = function(b, a) { return b.queryselector('div[data-name="' + a + '"]').innerhtml }; this.getdata = function(b, a) { return b.queryselector('div[data-name="' + a + '"]').children }; this.extend = function() { for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) for (var a in arguments[b]) arguments[b].hasownproperty(a) && (arguments[0][a] = arguments[b][a]); return arguments[0] }; window.selector = this })(); textlib = { gettextfield: function(b, a, d) { var c = document.createelement("div"); null == d && (d = !0); d || ( = "default"); = "absolute"; = b; = a + "px"; return c } }; var extrahelpers = { killallsections: function(b) { var a = 0, d = b.length; for (a; a < d; a++) { var c = b[a]; "function" === typeof c.kill && c.kill() } }, hidesectionsnotinview: function(b) { var a = 0, d = b.length; for (a; a < d; a++) { var c = b[a]; c.examineinview(); c.isinview || ("function" === typeof c.kill ? c.kill() : c.parentnode.removechild(c)) } }, showallsections: function(b) { var a = 0, d = b.length; for (a; a < d; a++) b[a].style.display = "block" }, showsectionsinview: function(b) { var a = 0, d = b.length; for (a; a < d; a++) { var c = b[a]; c.examineinview(); c.onfocusout(); c.isinview && ( = "block") } }, checkinview: function() {} }; array.prototype.pushunique = function(b) { return -1 == this.indexof(b) ? (this.push(b), !0) : !1 }; array.prototype.getunique = function() { for (var b = {}, a = [], d = 0, c = this.length; d < c; ++d) b.hasownproperty(this[d]) || (a.push(this[d]), b[this[d]] = 1); return a }; string.prototype.count = function(b) { return this.split(b).length - 1 }; function assetspecification(b) { var a = null; switch (b.tolowercase()) { case "sloret": !1 == assets.sloret_loaded && (assets.sloret_loaded = !0, a = assets.sloret_assets); break } return a } function sectionspecification(b, a, d) { var c; if ("sloret" === d.tolowercase()) switch (b) { case "_1": c = sloret_1; break; case "_2": c = sloret_2; break; case "_3": c = sloret_3; break; case "_4": c = sloret_4; break; case "_5": c = sloret_5; break; case "_6": c = sloret_6 } return c } function section() { var b = new smartobject; = "absolute"; = "hidden"; = "hidden"; // = assets.section_width + "px"; // = assets.section_height + "px"; = "100%"; = "100%"; = 0; = 0; = "none"; b.postop = 0; b.index = 0; b.isinfocus = !1; b.isinview = !1; b.bgcolor; b.hasbeenfocusedin = !1; var a, d; b.examinefocus = function() { if (b) { a = math.round(math.abs(window.dragoffsety)); d = math.round(math.abs(b.postop)); var c = a + assets.section_height > d, e = d > a; b.isinfocus = a === d || c && e ? !0 : !1; return b.isinfocus } }; b.examineinview = function(c) { if (b) return a = math.round(math.abs(window.scrollposy)), b.isinview = a + window.innerheight > b.postop && b.postop + assets.section_height > a ? !0 : !1, !0 === c && math.round(window.scrollposyold) === math.round(window.scrollposy) && (b.isinview = !1), b.isinview }; b.addtooltips = function(a) { a = a.queryselectorall("[data-x]"); var d = 0, g = a.length, f = []; for (d; d < g; d++) { var h = new tooltip({ x: a[d].getattribute("data-x"), y: a[d].getattribute("data-y"), gravity: a[d].getattribute("data-gravity"), content: a[d].innerhtml }); f.push(h); b.appendchild(h) } return f }; b.onscroll = function() { b.examineinview() }; b.onfocusin = function() {}; b.onfocusout = function() {}; b.highlight = function() { assets.is_desktop && browserdetect.translate3d_support && b.bgcolor && (assets.current_bg_color = b.bgcolor/*,, 0.5, { delay: 0.5, css: { backgroundcolor: b.bgcolor }, ease: quad.easeout, overwrite: "all" })*/) }; b._kill = function() {}; return b } function dragobject() {} function articledragger(b, a, d) {} function gallerydragger(b, a, d, c, e, g) {} function colorstick(b, a, d) {} function videoplayer(b, a, d) {} function spinner() {} function colormenu(b, a, d, c, e) { function g() { var a = this.getattribute("data-id"); if(!jquery(this).hasclass("active")){ jquery("#ind2_canvas").addclass("draw"); jquery('.ind2_tab_yin').addclass('ind2_tab_hid') } jquery(this).addclass("active").siblings().removeclass("active"); a != q && (f(a), assets.prevent_drag = !0, q = a, /*, 0.4, { css: { x: 107 * a, backgroundcolor: h[a] }, ease: quint.easeout }),*/ n.changecolor(h[a], a), n.hasdrawing() ? n.reset(0.5) : n.resetdrawnlength()); } function f(a) { if (e) { a = parseint(a); var b = 0, c = s.length; for (b; b < c; b++) s[b] = b === a ? "white" : "#313131" } } a = document.createelement("div"); var h = [], j = document.createelement("div"), q = 0, n = d; = "absolute"; d = 0; var k = b.length, p, l, s = []; // p = document.createelement("div"); // = "absolute"; // a.appendchild(p); l = document.createelement("div"); = "#ffffff"; = 107 * k + "px"; = "95px"; = "absolute"; // var u = new smartobject; // = "#ffaa00"; // = "214px"; // = "45px"; // = "9px"; // = "14px"; // = "absolute"; // u._rotation = 3; // u._skewx = 11; // = "-11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)"; // = "-11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)"; // = "-11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)"; // = "-11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)"; // = "-11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)"; // var v = new smartobject; // = "#ffaa00"; // = "214px"; // = "45px"; // = 107 * (k - 2) - 8 + "px"; // = "15px"; // = "absolute"; // v._rotation = -3; // v._skewx = -10; // = "11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)"; // = "11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)"; // = "11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)"; // = "11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)"; // = "11px -16px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)"; //p.appendchild(u); //p.appendchild(v); //p.appendchild(l); //a.appendchild(j); // for (d; d < k; d++) p = textlib.gettextfield("flugger condensed", 13, !1), = "107px", = "60px", = "center", = 107 * d + "px", = "#313131", p.innerhtml = b[d].innerhtml, a.appendchild(p), h.push(b[d].getattribute("data-color")), l = assetloader.getasset(b[d].getattribute("data-icon")), = "107px", = "84px", = 107 * d + "px", a.appendchild(l), l = document.createelement("div"), = "absolute", = "107px", = "84px", = 107 * d + "px", = "url()", = "pointer", = "all", l.setattribute("data-id", d), l._label = p, s.push(l), a.appendchild(l); // = "absolute"; // = "107px"; // = "84px"; //, 0, { // css: { // backgroundcolor: h[0] // } // }); f(0); n.changecolor(h[0], 0); a.addevents = function() { // var a = 0, // b = s.length; // for (a; a < b; a++) s[a].addeventlistener(, g, !1) //重新绑定click var tar=document.getelementsbyclassname("ind2_tab")[0].children; for (var i=0; i < tar.length; i++){ tar[i].addeventlistener(, g, !1) } }; a.removeevents = function() { // var a = 0, // b = s.length; // for (a; a < b; a++) s[a].removeeventlistener(, g, !1) var tar=document.getelementsbyclassname("ind2_tab")[0].children; for (var i=0; i < tar.length; i++){ tar[i].removeeventlistener(, g, !1) } }; return a } function imagecomposition(b) { var a, d, c, e, g, f, h; function j() { null !== l && l.parentnode.removechild(l); l = null; l = p; p = null } var q = document.createelement("div"), n, k, p, l, s = document.createelement("div"); = "absolute"; = "absolute"; switch (b) { case "sloret": // n = assetloader.getasset("static.jpg"); k = ""; a = 293; d = 410; c = 672; e = 0; g = 1024; f = 672; h = !1; break; } // = d + "px"; // = c + "px"; // = a + "px"; // selector.disableselection(n); // l = assetloader.getasset(k[0]); // = g + "px"; // = f + "px"; // = e + "px"; // s.appendchild(l); // selector.disableselection(l); // h ? (q.appendchild(n), q.appendchild(s)) : (q.appendchild(s), q.appendchild(n)); q.changeimage = function(a, b) { //p = assetloader.getasset(k[a]); console.log(a); jquery(".ind2_bglis").eq(a).addclass("active").siblings().removeclass("active"); var textcolor=jquery("ul.ind2_tab li").eq(a).attr("data-color"); jquery(".ind2_inner").css("color",textcolor); jquery("#ind2_canvas").removeclass("draw"); // jquery('.ind2_tab_yin').removeclass('ind2_tab_hid') // = g + "px"; // = f + "px"; // = e + "px"; // selector.disableselection(p); //, 0, { // css: { // opacity: 0 // } // }); // s.appendchild(p); //, b, { // css: { // opacity: 1 // }, // oncomplete: j // }) }; q.getstaticimage = function() { return n }; q.getdynamicimage = function() { return l }; return q } function globalnavigation() {} function globalnavigationitem(b, a) {} function globalnavigationbtn() {} function tooltip(b) {} function hotspot(b) {} function frontpagearrow(b, a) {} function messagesplashscreen(b) {} function cover() {} function articletemplate(b) { var a = new smartobject, d = b.getxml(), c = d.getattribute("data-path"), e = [], g = { x: 0, y: 0, speed: assets.raf_animtion_speed }, f, h = assetspecification(c), j = !1; a.templatein = function() { window.dragoffsety = 0; = "absolute"; = "100%"; = "100%"; = "hidden"; = c; a._x = assets.cover ? 0 : assets.transition_offset_in; // assets.layer_mid.appendchild(a); null != h ? (h = h.concat(assets.shared_assets), assetloader.init(assets.static_assets_path), assetloader.loadgroup(new assetgroup(h, a.templatestart))) : a.templatestart() }; a.templatestart = function() { var h = d.getelementsbytagname("section"), g, j, l = 0, s = h.length; window.scrollposy = 0; for (l; l < s; l++) j = h[l].getattribute("data-id"), g = d.queryselector("[data-id=" + j + "]"), j = sectionspecification(j, g, c), g = new j(g), g.bgcolor = h[l].getattribute("data-bgcolor"), g.onscroll(), g._y = assets.section_height * l, g.postop = g._y, e.push(g), a.appendchild(g), g.index = l + 1; // = assets.section_height * s + "px"; f = -parseint(h.length * assets.section_height - assets.section_height); extrahelpers.showsectionsinview(e); assets.section_in_focus = e[0]; e[0].onfocusin() }; return a } function sloret_5(b) { var a = new section, d = new imagecomposition("sloret"), c, e, g = document.createelement("canvas"), f = new smartobject; a.appendchild(d); var papa=document.getelementbyid("ind2_canvas"); var papah=papa.clientheight,papaw=papa.clientwidth; = "absolute"; g.setattribute("width", papaw); g.setattribute("height", papah); //"100%"; //"100%";"0";"0"; papa.appendchild(g) //a.appendchild(g); e = new brushdraw(g, d, a); e.init(); c = new colormenu(selector.getdata(b, "menu"), d, e, a, !1); = "137px";, 0, { css: { y: 683 } }); a.appendchild(c); // b = assetloader.getasset("drawmodule/overlay_instructions.png"); // = "516px"; // d = assetloader.getasset("drawmodule/overlay_instructions_gif.gif"); // = "75px"; // = "25px"; // = "300px"; // f.appendchild(b); // f.appendchild(d); // = "516px"; // = assets.section_width / 2 - 258 + "px"; // = "220px"; // = 0; // = "none"; a.instructions = f; a.appendchild(f); a.onscroll = function() { a.examineinview(!0) }; a.onfocusin = function() { e.addevents(); c.addevents();, 0.4, { css: { y: 588 } });, 0.2, { delay: 0.8, css: { autoalpha: 1 }, ease: quad.easeout, overwrite: "auto" }); a.highlight("on") }; a.onfocusout = function() { e.removeevents(); // c.removeevents(); //, 0.5, { // css: { // y: 684 // } // }); //, 0.2, { // css: { // autoalpha: 0 // }, // ease: quad.easeout, // overwrite: "auto" // }); a.highlight("off") }; assets.is_desktop && a.addeventlistener(, function() { !a.examinefocus() && assets.current_section_in_view !== a.index && (assets.dragger.status.offset.y = -a._y, window.dragoffsety = -a._y, a.onfocusin()) }, !1); return a } function nydelsen_6(b) {} function nydelsen_7() {} function hjertet_1(b) {} var main = { init: function() { function b() { var a = new cover; = 3; assets.layer_mid.appendchild(a); assets.cover = a; // contentmanager.init(assets.data_pages, "sloret") } assets.is_ipad1 = !0; - 1 != navigator.platform.indexof("ipad") ? window.ondevicemotion = function(a) { a.acceleration && (assets.is_ipad1 = !1); window.ondevicemotion = null } : assets.is_ipad1 = !1; var a = document.createelement("meta"); = "viewport"; a.content = "width=1024"; "opera" == browserdetect.browser_name || "expolorer" == browserdetect.browser_name ? document.getelementsbytagname("head")[0].appendchild(a) : document.head.appendchild(a); document.addeventlistener("touchmove", function(a) { a.preventdefault() }, !1); fastclick = new fastclick(document.body); trace.isenabled = !0; trace.isonscreen = !1; // assets.data_static = document.getelementbyid("static"); assets.data_pages = document.getelementbyid("pages"); // assets.is_desktop && (assets.layer_bg_color = document.createelement("div"), = "fixed", = "layer_bg_color", = "100%", = "100%", = "#000000", document.body.appendchild(assets.layer_bg_color)); // assets.layer_mid = document.createelement("div"); // = "absolute"; // = "layer_mid"; // = "100%"; // = "100%"; // = "0"; // = "0"; // = -assets.section_width / 2 + "px"; // = "hidden"; // document.body.appendchild(assets.layer_mid); // document.getelementbyid("ind2_canvas").appendchild(assets.layer_mid); contentmanager.automaticallytrackgoogleanalytics = !0; contentmanager.addtemplate("articletemplate", articletemplate); var a = assets.data_pages.children, d = 0, c = a.length, e = [], g = [], f = []; for (d; d < c; d++) { var h = a[d].getattribute("data-path"); "undefined" != typeof h && e.push(h); h = a[d].getattribute("data-menutitle"); "undefined" != typeof h && g.push(h); h = a[d].getattribute("data-loadercolor"); "undefined" != typeof h && f.push(h) } assets.articles_data_paths = e; assets.articles_menu_titles = g; assets.articles_loader_colors = f; assetloader.init(assets.static_assets_path); assetloader.loadgroup(new assetgroup(assets.global_nav_assets, function() { contentmanager.init(assets.data_pages, "sloret") })) } }; window.onload = function() { window.onload = null; || "explorer" === browserdetect.browser_name && 9 > browserdetect.browser_version || "firefox" === browserdetect.browser_name && 7 > browserdetect.browser_version ? messagesplashscreen( ? "nophones" : "nooldbrowsers") : main.init() };